The online racing simulator

Poll : Would you pay or not?

I would pay 20€ for Nürburgring Nordschleife
I would pay 5€ or 10€ for Laguna seca
I'm not interested paying for track addons
I would pay 5€ or 10€ for Bathurst
None of the tracks listed interest me, but I'd be willing to pay for some other track(s)
I would pay less for one of these
I would pay 5€ or 10€ for Mosport
I would pay even more for one of these
I'm poor or my mummy wouldn't allow me to buy one
All i want from LFS in this category of contents is more tracks, real or not, if paying meant i got an extra track, i'd pay.
I'd vote for Limerock park but there was no option. Check it out if you want...
I love Laguna... but no.
Quote from thisnameistaken :I suppose that's a good point; it would greatly benefit all three of our Australian racers.

At the times I'm on the Aussie's would represent 30-40% of the online population its just that the rest of the world is asleep at those times and there is at least six of us! illepall
I'd love other real life tracks, and I'd pay for them. However, in the end, they're just tracks. The Nurburgring is a legend, plain and simple. Yes, I know, I can play it in GTL, GTR, GPL, and Racer, but those are all just conversions of the GPL track, which is a decent approximation at best. The Nurburgring is the only reason I have Forza Motorsport, it's the only track I ever race on. I paid $50 for Forza, and I'd gladly pay that much, maybe more, just to get the Nurburgring in LFS. Yes, it wouldn't be good for online pickup races, but it would be amazing offline and in leagues. I'd sell all my other games just to have it. It would be amazing.

Edited to say, I guess the only other track that falls in the category of "more than a track" would be Bathurst. I haven't had much experience with it other than GTR, GTL, and seeing it on TV, but it looks amazing too.
Quote from thisnameistaken :I suppose that's a good point; it would greatly benefit all three of our Australian racers.

Quote from Glenn67 :At the times I'm on the Aussie's would represent 30-40% of the online population its just that the rest of the world is asleep at those times and there is at least six of us!

I'm here, that makes seven. Blow it out yer Pommy arse, Kev
So I must ask this:

Will we have real life track or not?

And we do, what track it will be?
And I think 20 EUROs is tooooo much for Nordschlife!!!illepall
Would pay for a Nurburgring Nordschleife and Spa.

How much does these track licenses cost? Is there anyway to know?
What about a paypal account for the licence cost of the Nordschleife?

I tought if you buy the licence you also get details of track data.
As far as the public gossip goes the Nordschleife Company has two packages. One is the bare track license, the other is the license plus a pack of very accurate GPS data.

Quote from eRaptor :Don't get me wrong, I like LFS, I've paid for it, and I don't regret that, but for the money we pay for LFS you can have games that have all that tracks!

In LFS you have paid for the development of the physics, and get rewarded with some faster cars over the free-physics demo
In other games you pay for the tracks/cars.

In LFS you don't get real tracks. In other games you don't get realistic physics (well, maybe 20% realistic relative to LFS).

You get what you pay for. Which game lasts longer - LFS or any other?
LFS's physics are free (-> demo). You pay for content only.

Quote from MataGyula :I think we do not need to pay for a real track as we WILL get to a point when track owners would pay the devs to see their tracks in LFS , or at least give the licence for free.

Haha. Yeah, right.
Suppose Eric makes a new track for S2 Final, with turns that rival Karussell, Eau Rouge, Corkscrew, Parabolica and Druids. And suppose it also had an extra-long config. Would you still pay for the real thing? (In other words, what is the big attraction in a legendary, challenging track: the legend or the challenge?)

Another question: Since Eric can only spend his time once, would you be willing to sacrifice other graphical updates (e.g. new cockpits, better damage, weather, ...), in exchange for the Nordschleife?
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
nurburgring is the only reason why i still play gran turismo 4.
I will pay absolutely nothing

I`m fond of the present tracks, and thes tracks, that you find in Lfs, is as real, as the known tracks.

I`m here for the racing - The track doesn`t matter to much. I really like what we`ve got now
Quote from alland44 :I will pay absolutely nothing

I`m fond of the present tracks, and thes tracks, that you find in Lfs, is as real, as the known tracks.

I`m here for the racing - The track doesn`t matter to much. I really like what we`ve got now

Same here.
Perhaps we should arrange a group buy on the forum, get 2000 people to chip in 20 quid a piece, buy the rights ourselves, and give them to the developers for christmas.
Quote from wsinda :Suppose Eric makes a new track for S2 Final, with turns that rival Karussell, Eau Rouge, Corkscrew, Parabolica and Druids. And suppose it also had an extra-long config. Would you still pay for the real thing? (In other words, what is the big attraction in a legendary, challenging track: the legend or the challenge?)

Another question: Since Eric can only spend his time once, would you be willing to sacrifice other graphical updates (e.g. new cockpits, better damage, weather, ...), in exchange for the Nordschleife?

Yes, actually, I would. Even if we get a new fantasy track with corners like those of the 'ring, it's still not the 'ring. It would be fun for sure, but still not the same. I have nothing against Eric as a track designer, in fact, as far as modern circuits go, his are better than almost any real life track. That's why I don't really care if we get other real life tracks in LFS. Those are just tracks, and Live For Speed already has superior tracks. The Nurburgring is a legend, and that would be at least half of what I'd be paying for when I bought the track. Again, I should also say that Bathurst is something more than just a track, it's a legend too. Mosport too, really. I wouldn't pay for something like Hungary or Albert Park or any other modern track though.
Quote from N I K I :NORISRING. It's short, it's fast, it's city track and it's real!!! Perfect choise. Man NORISRING would be so popular if we have it in LFS

but the old config please

seriously though i dont really see a need for any real life tracks as there is no way to replicate them exactly
why you need licence for track,just put same track as real and change name
I got an idea,

What you think about this:
Let's pay Herman Tillke to make track for us. It will be good like real one

He is legend and he will make a perfect track...
And I think FIA will buy a licence for that track from LFS and make new F1 Grand Prix track in some 3th world Country
Quote from magicius :why you need licence for track,just put same track as real and change name

And hire a good lawyer :icon23:
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#124 - AJS
I would pay for Nordschleife, Padborg Park (Denmark) and Heidbergring (local racetrack here) and maybe Eurospeedway Lausitz, Oschersleben and Hockenheim. I could practice for track days and club slalom then
FXR at Nürburgring Nordschleife! droool!!!

I would pay, let's say 50 EUR for trying that one out!