The online racing simulator
LFS phone theme (K800i)
(30 posts, started )
LFS phone theme (K800i)
I made this for my own use but thought I might share it.
I think most of the graphics are from LFS itself, the garage menu background is by Huru-aito Im pretty sure. If anyone objects to graphics being used without permission I will remove this if required. I apologise in advance if anyone takes exception to me using their graphics without permission.
Just thought it might be nice for some one with the same phone.

Mines a K800i but this should work with any Sony Ericsson that uses theme version 4.5. According to the theme creator manual these are K610, K800, K790, W850, Z710, W710, Z610 and W830 series. Edit - looking at the manual again, Id say only try it with the K800, K790, W850, W830 series.

WARNING - Ive only tested this with a K800i, I accept no responsibility for loss or damage etc etc

There seems to be some bugs in the theme creator when editing the homescreen. I cant get it to work properly anyway. Im quite happy with the rest of it

This version does not include the ring and message tones I added because that version is 1884kb. All I did was convert from raw or ogg to mp3 so you can do that yourself if you want. I use WinRace.raw for messages and setupscreenloop.ogg for the ring tone.
I used Switch for the conversion.

Bear in mind the preview below is generated by the theme creator, on the phone it will look slightly different, part of that is your service providers own tweaks.

Comment, criticism, improvement suggestions welcome
Attached images
lfs theme preview.jpg
Attached files - 197.7 KB - 285 views
nice! i would use it if i ha such phone
#3 - TiJay
Tempted to try something like this on a K750i... where can I find the theme creator?
Quote from TiJay :Tempted to try something like this on a K750i... where can I find the theme creator?

that would be great!! i have a K750i too. maybe i make my own T7R one linky to theme creator please!
nice owrk btw
trying this on K700i
#6 - TiJay
Found the theme creator, a quick Google for Sony Ericsson Theme Creator will do.

Question is, how the hell do you get these themes onto your phone?
Quote from TiJay :Found the theme creator, a quick Google for Sony Ericsson Theme Creator will do.

Question is, how the hell do you get these themes onto your phone?

with a data cable or bluetooth from your computer... infra-red will probably do too if you have this as an option
Quote from mantis9 :This version does not include the ring and message tones I added because that version is 1884kb. All I did was convert from raw or ogg to mp3 so you can do that yourself if you want. I use WinRace.raw for messages and setupscreenloop.ogg for the ring tone.

is it possible for you to upload the converted files here?
#9 - TiJay
Ah, so you can just transfer them with the cable? Cool. I'm going to try a motorsport theme.
i have k800i i will try it .
Motorsport HiTec Theme
If anyone's interested, I just created a Motorsport Theme for these phones:

Sony Ericsson K600, K750, W700 and W800

It features a high tech carbon fibre look with images from the major motorsport series eg F1, WTCC plus subtle logos of the major parts suppliers (Sparco etc).

I'm currently using this on my K750i without problems- It's my first theme so it's not as polished as Mantis', but check out the uploaded previews and please tell me what you think if you try the theme!
Attached images
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Quote from TiJay :...It's my first theme so it's not as polished as Mantis'....

That was my first theme as well! I only got the phone on tuesday

Attached are the mp3's I made
Attached files
phone - 1.6 MB - 267 views
Quote from mantis9 :I made this for my own use but thought I might share it.
I think most of the graphics are from LFS itself, the garage menu background is by Huru-aito Im pretty sure. If anyone objects to graphics being used without permission I will remove this if required. I apologise in advance if anyone takes exception to me using their graphics without permission.
Just thought it might be nice for some one with the same phone.

Mines a K800i but this should work with any Sony Ericsson that uses theme version 4.5. According to the theme creator manual these are K610, K800, K790, W850, Z710, W710, Z610 and W830 series. Edit - looking at the manual again, Id say only try it with the K800, K790, W850, W830 series.

WARNING - Ive only tested this with a K800i, I accept no responsibility for loss or damage etc etc

There seems to be some bugs in the theme creator when editing the homescreen. I cant get it to work properly anyway. Im quite happy with the rest of it

This version does not include the ring and message tones I added because that version is 1884kb. All I did was convert from raw or ogg to mp3 so you can do that yourself if you want. I use WinRace.raw for messages and setupscreenloop.ogg for the ring tone.
I used Switch for the conversion.

Bear in mind the preview below is generated by the theme creator, on the phone it will look slightly different, part of that is your service providers own tweaks.

Comment, criticism, improvement suggestions welcome

Does this work with the K750i ?
Don't think so- just like my K750 theme only works with the K600/750 and W7/800, the LFS theme only works with a certain set of phones.
why dont i have Ericson
can some1 do a lfs wallpaper for the nokia 3510i please
The themes don't work on K700i.
Nokia 3510i not Sony Ericsson K700i
It wasn't meant at you.

It was just a general reply, that the themes don't work at the K700i
Quote from BlakjeKaas :The themes don't work on K700i.

The K700i uses theme version 3.0, so no, this one will not work. But the free to download theme creator supports v3 so why not download it and have a go yourself? Its very easy, Ill even upload a zip with all the png's I used if it would help Edit: In fact, I just found out that the .thm files are zipped, so you can get the images from that.

Quote from shaun463 : can some1 do a lfs wallpaper for the nokia 3510i please

Do you have a data cable or some other way to transfer files between your phone and your pc? If you do you can make your own wallpaper, you just need to find out what size and format your phone needs.
#22 - DeKo
anybody know if a Samsung D600 supports themes? google isnt for telling me.
My t628 tells me it wants a LFS theme. You wouldn't want it to eat my alive, now would you? :P
This conversion took me about 10 minutes, same as the first, I accept no responsibility for loss or damage etc etc
I dont even have the phone to test it on so it might look a bit rubbish.
At least you wont get eaten now

For Sony Ericsson T628

edit: btw this should work with these phones -
T610, T616, T618
T628, T630, T637
Z600, Z608
Attached files - 14.2 KB - 206 views

LFS phone theme (K800i)
(30 posts, started )