:o [MS Paint Skills]
(39 posts, started )
:o [MS Paint Skills]
Very cool! Don't want to spoil anything but that can't be done with a mouse, I bet my left kidney he has one of those wicked drawing boards I could sell my right kidney for...oh wait

Thats awsome.
UM, i don't know what to say. This goes a light year past someone having to much time on their hands. I have to say though, they really made sure it looked amazing.illepall
It says on one of his vid replies or something, it took 2hrs, obviously it's speeded up

Yeah, mouse or graphic tablet, it's still some ms paint skills
#6 - herki
This guy has obviously too much free time illepall
#7 - Mc21
wow thats amazing..
#8 - bbman
Brilliant... Amazing skills... I wonder how long it took in real time...
as said above, 2 hours
Nice work. Crap thread title though.
hah...when i draw a car it takes 10 seconds to get the best quality (what abviously isnt really high! )
just kewl...
its gotta be hard to find a song that is 5 mins!!!
nice skills tho...
i'm jelous...
aww bob - i was getting people curious with the short thread title
I can't even draw a straight line in MS Paint...
VERY nice stuff, I guess if you have one of those drawing board things you don't really need a good programme, wouldn't mind having some of those skills tho.
I wonder what this guy can do with Photoshop
^^ how do you mean?
#18 - aoun
Well when i used to draw with my mouse, i got pretty good.. i learnt from a forum.. some of these guys could do amazing shapes, cars, people.. everything drawing with the mouse, lighting etc perfect really good stuff.. what you saw on that video was most likely done by mouse, its hightly possible but requires alot of patience (which i dont have.. thats why im no good..) and skill (you guessed it ).
Quote from DejaVu :MS Paint Skills illepall


Wow nicely made

This proves that you don't need pro programs to make something nice. How do you think they made games graphics in the past... not with photoshop or paint shop , just a similair program like ms paint. You only need the vision to see how you can draw that, but most people think that you only need a pro program to HAVE that, but thats not true. Even WHEN you would have all the programs and plugins for LFS to make new cars in 3dstudio max (for example )THEN you would still not KNOW how to make those new cars, you must first understand how LFS and those plugins might work and after that how 3dstudiomax works, and even not ALL people CAN understand that. You can EVEN make a verry nice lfs skin in MS Paint, You only need to understand and find out how, but it is possible.
He is using a tablet, otherwise his photohop works wouldnt look like they do. LAos, its not possible to make a decent line with mouse

Quote from ORION :He is using a tablet, otherwise his photohop works wouldnt look like they do. LAos, its not possible to make a decent line with mouse


Explain to me then why I CAN make a GOOD line with mouse. You just need a decent mouse,mouse-pad and good concentration.
( Look at my avatar <------------- Wich i just have made with MS Paint, i didn't knew anything to draw so i just made a R )
Quote from R1K89 :Explain to me then why I CAN make a GOOD line with mouse. You just need a decent mouse,mouse-pad and good concentration.
( Look at my avatar <------------- Wich i just have made with MS Paint, i didn't knew anything to draw so i just made a R )

Well, just open some car picture in paint and try to follow the outline of the car with the mouse... its impossible to get a "flow" into that
I dunno what your level of drawing with a real pencil and paper is, though.

Quote from Kajojek(PL) :But this one is even more amazing, he's a God!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ... ;mode=related&search=

WOW... Im speechless... a true god!
:smash3d: :dunce: :doh: :guilty:

:o [MS Paint Skills]
(39 posts, started )