Hi All,
Just some info for you. I was with Plusnet for over 2.5yrs, no problems at all, then PN decide to install some new Network Management Software. Well guess what. This software is not managing the Network very well. If you are on Plusnet, and having connection problems to LFS, and any other game for that matter, I am afriad, that you have 2 choices.
1. To Grin and Bear it
2. Change ISP
Both me and d34no from T7R had the same problems with Plusnet, and I live East in the UK, and he lives in Scotland. We both changed to another ISP
and the problems have gone away.
Plusnet have confirmed there is problems, and have tried everything, and they still have very high Latency issues. ( Problem being, 3-4 Servers in LFS would ping at 28-30, the rest, anything upto 3000ms )
So, if your with Plusnet, and your having Latency issues with Online Gaming in General, now you know why.
Just thought I would let you all know.
Best Regards
Just some info for you. I was with Plusnet for over 2.5yrs, no problems at all, then PN decide to install some new Network Management Software. Well guess what. This software is not managing the Network very well. If you are on Plusnet, and having connection problems to LFS, and any other game for that matter, I am afriad, that you have 2 choices.
1. To Grin and Bear it
2. Change ISP
Both me and d34no from T7R had the same problems with Plusnet, and I live East in the UK, and he lives in Scotland. We both changed to another ISP

and the problems have gone away.
Plusnet have confirmed there is problems, and have tried everything, and they still have very high Latency issues. ( Problem being, 3-4 Servers in LFS would ping at 28-30, the rest, anything upto 3000ms )
So, if your with Plusnet, and your having Latency issues with Online Gaming in General, now you know why.
Just thought I would let you all know.
Best Regards