The online racing simulator
They should do, just extract CSR to the root of your LFS folder, then download and extract DaveWS's soundpack file to the same location. Make the modification (OutGauge settings) to cfg.txt, save it, run CSR then run LFS, voila!
I have DaveWS's version 2 soundpack, and several of the cars don't work with it. I haven't looked into why or asked why yet, but it could be related to HondaCivicSI's not working. In my installation of the soundpack, none of the demo cars work, the LX4 doesn't work, the FZ50 DOES as it replaced a poor FZ50 sound that I originally had, and the FZR, I'm not sure. I had deggis' Lambo V12 sound, and I believe DaveWS's pack stated a different FZR sound of a flat Porsche 6 cyl or something. I could be wrong with the FZR though.
Have you tried just reinstalling CSR? I had a problem with XFR - it just didn't produce any sounds in the game, it didn't matter what sound pack the car was using. I reinstalled CSR and it started to work... strange.

This must be a bug in CSR, too bad that yamakawa hasn't been here for a while so he could look into this.
I love this program, but when i'm online with it it seems to lag like after i'd shift 2-5 seconds later you'd hear the BOV, But it's only like that when i'm in a room with alot of people. Was woundering how can i fix this? Thanks
Quote from TypeRCivic :I love this program, but when i'm online with it it seems to lag like after i'd shift 2-5 seconds later you'd hear the BOV, But it's only like that when i'm in a room with alot of people. Was woundering how can i fix this? Thanks

Seems like your CPU is struggling. My old clunker struggles to run CSR + LFS. try this.....
Quote from Zero7 :The solution is to up the priority on the CSR.EXE within Task Manager (right click it in the list of processes, Set Priority, AboveNormal).

Failing that.... Try increasing (just experiment) with the LFS Menu >> Options >> MISC >> Sound Lag Try 0.2 , 0.3 etc
Ok i'm gonna try that, i dont think my pc is struggling though, but i try thoes things out, thanks
Quote from TypeRCivic :I love this program, but when i'm online with it it seems to lag like after i'd shift 2-5 seconds later you'd hear the BOV, But it's only like that when i'm in a room with alot of people. Was woundering how can i fix this? Thanks

Yes, I've had that and increasing the priority fixed it for me (on a Celeron 3.6Ghz)
I tried first time increasing priority to "AboveNormal" and it is really better, no random small lags anymore. But is there a way to make Windows remember this so I don't need to change the priority everytime I start CSR?
Quote from deggis :......But is there a way to make Windows remember this so I don't need to change the priority everytime I start CSR?

...Yep..Run it from a Batch file.

Batch file help and examples...
Quote from JasonJ :
@echo off
start/AboveNormal CSR.exe

Here's one I prepared earlier....
Extract it and place this BATCH file in the CSR folder and run THIS batch file to start CarSoundReMixer for LiveForSpeed in Above Priority Mode Automatically
Attached files - 254 B - 1109 views
I've been using a batch file but didn't remember this, thanks.
Excellent, thanks for the batch file.

Add start LFSspotter.exe to the file as well which fires pitspotter then LFS off as well.
Hi I was having problems with increase/decrease sounds in my laptop. Then I realised that the problem was the toshiba virtual sound enhancer. Anyway I still hear a lot of "interferences"
do I need to have S2 for this to work?
Nice mod!!

One thing, the file "winker" in english should be "blinker" or "indicator" depending on country
darn I can't geet it to work. here is what i did.

1. I downloaded the CSR file.
2. un ziped it to my lfs directory. in the lfs folder there are the lfs stuff and the folder containing CSR's stuff
3. i changed the cfg file's codes at the bottom. I copy and pasted it from the readme to the cfg file. I got rid of the spaces between the letters and the edge of the page.
4. I open up CSR, open LFS, choose single player ( for test), go to garage, slect GTi, click race.
5. I get a race car like sound on the GTi. Same on XRG, and XRT.

what am I doing wrong?
CSR doesn't contain sound files for every car. It only comes with FZR and BF1 (maybe one other car, can't remember). You have to download sound packs that others have done here on the forum.

FWIW, I have DaveWS's soundpack v2, but none of the demo car's sounds work or some of the others that I don't remember. I have sounds for every car now, but only the GTR's, FOX, BF1, and FZ50 work.
Quote from mrodgers :I have sounds for every car now, but only the GTR's, FOX, BF1, and FZ50 work.

Hint: Tick the user-sounds box. It's the little round button with a letter on it, can't remember which one though
Quote from mrodgers :CSR doesn't contain sound files for every car. It only comes with FZR and BF1 (maybe one other car, can't remember). You have to download sound packs that others have done here on the forum.

FWIW, I have DaveWS's soundpack v2, but none of the demo car's sounds work or some of the others that I don't remember. I have sounds for every car now, but only the GTR's, FOX, BF1, and FZ50 work.

Hmmm, if you have the user icon ticked, all cars should have sounds. Have you tried starting from scratch again? i.e. deleting everything and reinstalling / downloading it?
im stuck lol the sounds sound the same to me idk wat u mean by copy over in the cfg folder =\ im half asleep likeillepall
one suggestion for future versions - should be able to set a default csr volume, or it should default to 1 instead of 10.
Quote from Pearce :im stuck lol the sounds sound the same to me idk wat u mean by copy over in the cfg folder =\ im half asleep likeillepall

try to write proper sentences, you may get help then. I plain simply don't understand what you want
Quote from Blowtus :one suggestion for future versions - should be able to set a default csr volume, or it should default to 1 instead of 10.

Yeah... and fix some bugs too. Few sliders doesn't work properly in the editor. Too bad that yamakawa hasn't been here for quite a long time...
Quote from Blowtus :one suggestion for future versions - should be able to set a default csr volume, or it should default to 1 instead of 10.

I use 1 for most cars as well. So I know what you mean. I thought they were set at 10 because some on some systems 1 is too quite, which would create heaps of - "I cant hear this mod working"
Quote from deggis :Yeah... and fix some bugs too. Few sliders doesn't work properly in the editor. Too bad that yamakawa hasn't been here for quite a long time...

Some sliders work in a weird sort of way I found. Which sliders aren't working for you. All mine worked ok. Post a CSR edit screen shot or explain which ones that don't work for you.
damnit I still can't get this to work I have DaveWS's soundpack but which button do I push to make the user light come on. There is a light just below the user button that is on but it still won't work

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