Hmm, I can see some of you are naming all corners on track, don't do that, many of that names are bad and souns stupid, you must have reason to name some corner for some name, I don't won that we have names just like that.
You can see n00b's suggestion, no one corner is good, hmmm why?
1.Right-Hand Curve. It's stupid, I could name all tracks like that, I would like that we have interesant names
And other are prity much bording from n00b's list :\
I like this names from Duke's list:
Extrimly fast cotner on FE: Grand Hotel - Nice name
Left section on FE2 or Rigrht on FE2R: Laguna - I changed name from Lagoon to Laguna. Laguna is sound bether and it's Croatian word
and Marlay's too
---But what if you think a name sucks but everyone else on the forum thinks it's great? Public polls FTW, I'm telling you---
I'll change my opinion