For my Media course, I have to research how advertising affects consumers' buying choices and views of products so if you take a sec answering a couple of questions it'd really help 
1) Have you ever bought a product on the strength of an advert alone and why?
2) Have you ever bought a product because it had an aspirational advert that appealed to you and what was it? (eg Lynx ads show the product making someone a hit with the ladies)
3) Do the production values of adverts affect your view of the product? (eg Marks & Spencers vs Iceland)
4) Skoda cars are made by VW yet more people buy the more expensive VWs over the cheaper Skodas because of Skoda's past image. Do you buy products based on brand name alone?
All answers are much appreciated

1) Have you ever bought a product on the strength of an advert alone and why?
2) Have you ever bought a product because it had an aspirational advert that appealed to you and what was it? (eg Lynx ads show the product making someone a hit with the ladies)
3) Do the production values of adverts affect your view of the product? (eg Marks & Spencers vs Iceland)
4) Skoda cars are made by VW yet more people buy the more expensive VWs over the cheaper Skodas because of Skoda's past image. Do you buy products based on brand name alone?
All answers are much appreciated