The online racing simulator
Custom Driver View
(8 posts, started )
Custom Driver View
I'm trying to adjust the driving view to get the dashboard in the right position on screen without steering wheel or driver hands/arms etc. It seems there are two options.

1) In car view - Can't adjust height to move dash up/down
2) Custom view - Can't remove steering wheel/driver hands

Am I missing something? Or is that the current state of play?

Also - I'm forever turning steering wheel on/off. It's needed to see F1 rev lights but undesirable when driving any other car. Is there some way to link view options with car selection?

thanks for any pointers ...

How are you doing when you move the dash up and down?
he said he CANT
#4 - (SaM)
I thought you could remove driver / wheel in custom view now.
#6 - (SaM)
Quote from dontsimon :I thought you could remove driver / wheel in custom view now.

You can, I have my custom view without driver, while my default view is with.
All you need is U30. Then you can do everything you want. There is even now a feature showing F1 revs, speed etc even with the wheel turned off.
Perfect - U30 installed and all is good. Many thanks to all

Custom Driver View
(8 posts, started )