LFS across the globe!
(256 posts, started )
LFS across the globe!
Here's a neato thing I discovered on google's site, I set up a map for live for speed that members can enter in their location and screen name, just so we get a visual of where everybody is

(if you use the mouse button you can surf around the entire globe, works good on high speed internet, takes some patients with 56k)


(side note, you have to enter at least like a character or two in the shoutot box to post your location, and you can zoom in on a location using the slider to the left with the +/-)
Added mine Neato :up:
Me there too! :bounce8:
Posted mine, first midwesterner
Added myself.
great.. my placement somehow got REALLY off from where i am.. akward

any way i can edit it? or will you have to dodge?
Added me, but in the wrong city because it wouldn't let me add the name of my town :/
Quote from XCNuse :great.. my placement somehow got REALLY off from where i am.. akward

any way i can edit it? or will you have to dodge?

I believe if you fill it out again it'll update your account if it duplicates i have the ability to delete the excess account

this program is still in beta so not all the worlds cities are up and running yet, but if you can find one nearby that is available i think that would be fine for now

thanks for interest guys lets fill the world!
Added myself!
Great idea! I'm in.
#13 - OPK
"all i wanted was a copy of lfs... and they sent me rfactor"
I'm on there
lol Kid

didnt add me :/
I tried add my self, but it would not work. Keeps complaining about my city being invalid. Maybe it has something do about the letters ä in the city name
I'm in!
Quote from geeman1 :I tried add my self, but it would not work. Keeps complaining about my city being invalid. Maybe it has something do about the letters ä in the city name

Search for the city on the map view and then enter the name as it has on the map. Might work.
Quote from geeman1 :I tried add my self, but it would not work. Keeps complaining about my city being invalid. Maybe it has something do about the letters ä in the city name

It said the same to my city, so instead I just picked a bigger city 10 km away!
nope; it says this:

To add a shoutout, just enter your name, zipcode, and shoutout above.
Your name will only appear once on the map, but you can enter multiple shoutouts the same way.

Im on their, but im hidden by forbins marker...lol
Quote from Vendetta :Im on their, but im hidden by forbins marker...lol

Not if you zoom in.

Oh yeah, and I love Bob Smith's comment.

Quote :Every day hundreds of setups are permentally disfigured. Do you know of any setups being mistreated? The please call the setup helpline anonymous on 0800-SPASTICATED to help stop these terrible crimes.

This message was brought to you by SPASTICATED (Setups Protected Against Spurious Tinkering by Ill-Conceived Adjustments That Errode

JUst added myself :bounce8: I hope noone will hunt me down after i messed up on T1
Quote from Mikkel Petersen :It said the same to my city, so instead I just picked a bigger city 10 km away!

I can't do that. The city I am in is the biggest in about 100km radius

When I start to type the city name it also automaticly suggests it with the ä's written as ?'s but it does not work. Nor does it work with ä's or with a's.
Nice idea so:


LFS across the globe!
(256 posts, started )