Looking for a CHEAP video card
(19 posts, started )
Looking for a CHEAP video card
Ok, I currently use my laptop normally for most things, but I would prefer to buy a new video card for my parents desktop PC, when i'm back during the holidays.

Currently it uses an nVidia Geforce2 MX 400 64MB which I am guessing is AGP. (yes I know its crap 3 to 4 year old system)

Anyway i'm looking for a VERY cheap e.g. (well) under £50 to replace it. If I get 2 - 3 times the frame rate, I will be happy. I would also prefer to use AA on too.

Currently I get normally above 30 with low settings, no mirror, no AA etc.
#2 - Jakg
Erm, i dont think you will get much that will do AA for £50.

If the PSU will take it, tried looking for an AGP 6600GT? Or, more likely a 6600?
#3 - Jakg

Difficult budget BUT if i remember right the rest of your system is cr*p, so your best bet is upgrading the CPU (and thus the mobo) at the same time
If you're not looking for totally top end performance, there are a couple of reasonable cards really cheap.

You can pick up a 256Mb GeForce 6200 for about £35 and a 256Mb GeForce 7600 GS for just over £70, both AGP.
Now that PCI-e is becoming the thing to have, the AGP cards are really dropping in price, which makes me happy
#5 - Bean0
AGP is pretty old, I would suggest looking on ebay or similar for a Radeon 9800 Pro or whatever is the nVidia equivalent.
#6 - Jakg
a 6600GT is the same speed as a 9800XT (the quickest "AGP only" card, it was made just before PCI-e came out)
Obviously mine and Dave's definition of "cheap" and the rest of yours differs somewhat
#8 - Jakg
oo eck, just seen the "well" under £50 - an AGP 6600GT is around £50 :S

How about a 6200?
#9 - Ziil
Quote from LFSn00b :You seem like professional, why don't you suggest some good videocards for me? Budget is 0-300€, which is like 250£.

666! Post number 666!

I'd say go for a ATI 1950XT that would be the best one for that price.

And yes for 50£ there aint very many cards out there but a nvidia 6600 should be the best one you can get I think
For £50 a 6600GT will be a massive upgrade from a GF2. I have one in my other system, great cards for the price.
#11 - Jakg
I dont think youll get a 6600 for "well under" 50 quid.

And LFSn00b, if you get that card, the rest of your system WILL hold you back, i have an AMD 4000 running at FX-57 speeds (that means its the same speed as a CPU that retails at £400), and my £170 7950GT is too quick for it, i need to upgrade my CPU to see any FPS improvement

And remember, chances are it wont fit and you will need a new PSU
I have a 256Mb 6200LE (the lowest of the 6 series and steals from RAM) which I got for free in my 'games PC' which is OK for LFS and OutRun2006 at full and GTR2 at medium.

I'm upgrading to a 7600GS at Xmas because I want to run FSX, STALKER and Crysis but a 6200 is fine for LFS and most racers.

My RAM is 1GB and I have an AMD 3200+. Might be 64 bit, not that it makes a difference in LFS.
Quote from Dajmin :Obviously mine and Dave's definition of "cheap" and the rest of yours differs somewhat

9800 Pros are about £20 on ebay, and would be a massive boost from the GF2.
Thanks for responses guys. *goes to have a look on froogle and ebay*
Used: A old-gen Radeon like the 9700 pro/9800 pro.

New: Radeon x1300. DEAD cheap and will do the job.
#16 - 50-3
May I suggest a 8800 GTX u can pick them up cheap :P
i'll sell you my radeon 9250 for £40 only 6 months old
#18 - Jakg
May i suggest you buy this stuffed lemon off me for £39.99? quicker and cheaper than that 9250
lol might be true...........

i want some cash so i can spend £88 on a geforce 7600 GS

Looking for a CHEAP video card
(19 posts, started )