The online racing simulator
Saving ky and axis assignments
When I installed the U30Test patch (which incidently is great!), I was disappointed to discover that I lost all of my key and pedal axis assignments. I'm about to install it on a second machine. Is there some way that I can save the assignments or copy them across from my first machine after the patch install. I have Momo Wheel and BRD pedals on both machines.

Note: I've worked out that I can copy across the custom driver views simply by copying the views folder. Can I do something similar here?

Thanks for any pointers.
i think you can do that if you copy your player name.ply in the misc folder

when i say player name, that would be the name that shows up ingame, that everyone else sees overtop of your actual name
if that makes sense?

but i think the ply file does have controls within it
#3 - Misko
Just read the readme and the big
Quote :WARNING : your controls will not be correctly assigned due to the new way the controls are stored in a special file in the data\misc folder. There is a default file included for the Red Momo and the Microsoft FF Wheel so they should be reasonably set up if you have one of those. We will be providing default files for many wheels. We will make a special announcement when we need help supporting more wheels.

Just have to assign them again. But for every next patch they will stay assigned.
As the warning says, you can copy the key files from data/misc to the other computer, and they should be the same.
Sounds promising. I tried copying all the files in data\misc across from the first machine on which I had configured the controllers to the second machine. Unfortunatley this wiped out my S2 licence registration. Are there some files that I should not have copied?

It looks like I should have just copied across the DEFAULT.con file once I had it configured as I wanted?