The online racing simulator
LSFQ Season finale promo
(6 posts, started )
#1 - Nard
LSFQ Season finale promo
Hey people!

I had undertaken the task of making a promo video to show the community what our LFS racing was like, by making a next event preview/last event overview video for the season finale race that was to be held at Fern Bay Green next thursday. Big surprise, a vote was cast and most people wanted to change track cause it's really technical and some had trouble staying clean so we are in the end changing to Fern Bay Gold.

So I was like -damn- all that work for nothing, as I was almost done with the vid. So I rendered what I had already done and presented it. It seems to get a warm welcome, and I'd like to get the general LFS community's comments.

Just take into consideration the audio commentary is in french, I know you won't understand a thing, but it was aimed at a regional community

Here it is:

Filefront download

114mb .avi encoded with Xvid, you should be able to watch it if you have Divx, but just in case, get the Xvid codecs if it doesn't work.
last 107 secs of the movie i see only black screen. why?
#3 - Nard
Quote from Nard :most people wanted to change track [...] so we are in the end changing to Fern Bay Gold.

[...] So I rendered what I had already done and presented it. [...]

Basicly cause we are changing track and I stopped developing the video for a track we aren't racing anymore, but wanted to show what I had already done (which is almost 4 minutes of completed work)
yes 4 minutes of that movie are nice , but you could delete last 107 secs of black screen .
Wow, everything looked so great. Pretty good stuff. Almost looked like some of the short 30 minute race programs on RDS, ahaha. Good stuff.
#6 - Nard
Quote from Ondrejko :yes 4 minutes of that movie are nice , but you could delete last 107 secs of black screen .

I know. I actually have a semi-good excuse. I said I would post it on wednesday, and I was supposed to go out for pints. So I just pressed render 1st pass, went to get dinner, rendered 2nd pass and posted it, then went out for beer. I was lazy, but I know it would have cut like 20 megs off the movie

LSFQ Season finale promo
(6 posts, started )