The online racing simulator
Server status on website
(6 posts, started )
Server status on website
I might be rehashing something old here, but i've trawled through the board and can't find an answer...

Is there a way of checking the status of a server from a web page, in the same way you can see if a certain racer is online?

#2 - Davo
I've seen this on a site where it had the server and whether it was online or offline and the version even. Then if people where on the server it would say ingame and list the users on the servers. I'd also be interested in this.
If LFS Desktop can show it, then it must be possible for us all.
#4 - Davo
#6 - Cr45h
Hi Franky, in the forum on your website u'll find a question about a script..

That's it!!

How can I use with our server (under your administration)?
There's in the cfg file something that I don't know how to set up.
If u can post or attach here your php conf file, I can copy the set for our (changing obviously the command to maching with our server config).

Thanks a lot...


Server status on website
(6 posts, started )