The online racing simulator
Quote from Daviddabest :Thanks

Is it off one of The Fast and The Furious films?


No idea mate, only seen the first one and i dont remember it being on there, wasnt gonna bother with the 2nd..
Here's another standard one. Managed to recover and never even strayed too far off the line .

In happens in the 3rd lap after the fast chicane.
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flip^q.mpr - 254.4 KB - 391 views
#54 - Ziil
i have seen the great wall of china
i have single handedly conqured a civilization of fire ants attacking a village
i have flown the the limits of the clouds
i have swum beneath the ocean with the fish

but this.. is very unique
(FYI.. those skid marks are from me [yes.. upright the whole time])
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Here's one of mine. Aston historic
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fxr xanavi.jpg
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2 Wheels.jpg
XF GTR on the last 'real' turn on Kyoto National rev.
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#60 - ekze
This is from old S2 Demo days
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Here's little something I have been doing...

Hope you like it
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Teme1-2wheels.spr - 13.9 KB - 399 views
If only had a LSD.. i would go on forever
#65 - axus
Quote from vrooom :If only had a LSD.. i would go on forever

READ "forever" AS "until the tyres popped"
Hovering over the curb while mucking around at BL offline. Five minute GIMP touchup included.
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drifting on 2 wheels

i returned back to four then
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Quote from tonix :drifting on 2 wheels

i returned back to four then

Thats pretty insane...NICE!
Quote from L(Oo)ney :Not your average two wheeling...

And another small, crap movie from me..

[off-topic]I need a new pc, recording and running LFS at the same time practically brings my pc to a halt. [/off-topic]

That is awesome L(Oo)ney. Fancy sharing that SU
Here ya go Fordy. Play around with the fuel setting until its setup how you like it.

Oh, and dont kill your tyres setting off.
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UF GTR_Endo.set - 132 B - 438 views
#75 - Vain
The tyres look like they're having a hard time like this...
