It means you cant unlock youre game. You have unlocked youre game twice this month so this mean you have to wait till the next month to unlock youre game when you get 2 unlocks. You get 2 unlocks every month Good luck
You start out with 3 unlocks when you purchase S2, You get 1 unlock every month up to a maximum of 2 (obviously if you haven't used your starting unlock, you won't gain anymore aswell). If you really need an extra unlock for a valid reason (computer hardware trouble, frequent OS installs etc.) then send a letter to the developers and let them decide.
and why if i didnt used any unlokers since the past month, and now i dont have any unlokers yet?, its still 0... i have my game unloked right now, but is very odd that i dont have any unlokers if i didn`t used any one.
maybe because i have te game unloked in other pc?... illepall
wait a sec.... so that means the game use an unlock every month or something?, because i unloked the othe computer months ago, i didnt used any unloks in the past month or this one illepall. if i recive a new unloker the first day of every month, i supossed to have 2 unlokers now. but i dont have any
Edit: i bought the game a long time ago, so i suposed to have more than one unloker isn`t it?
uh, what's gay about it? I see no man-love involved in being kicked out of S2 for being care-less with your unlocks. Your brain seems to be very geared towards gay-ness.
For the millionth time perhaps, send mail here for technical issues. If you have two unlocks in use you won't have two spare ones available, and so on. Unlocks do not accumulate btw.