The online racing simulator
OOS Error when using U30?
(15 posts, started )
OOS Error when using U30?
Hi there,

my LFS is patched on U30 Test-Patch. Today I tried to do a benchmark using a SPR from here - - you probably know this site. I was quite surprised when the SPR, which is supposed to be T version, gave me an OOS Error. Normally I woudnt complain, but when I tried to run that replay on U-only LFS install, it ran flawlessly.
Because there shoudnt be any changes in physics, what generated OOS Error? I dont believe that reworked sound system and updated speedo could cause this.

Or is there anything I missed?
there have been many changes since T, no surprise it doesn't work
#3 - Davo
Wow that is strange. Just tried it myself and indeed got the OOS error. While in U normal it worked fine. Very strange indeed.
#4 - Jakg
if something major changed they wouldnt be compatible

a replay from S/T/U/U30 should ALL work in ALL of those versions, not sure why that doesn't
#5 - Davo
Yeh that's the weird thing that everything else seems to work, but this replay isn;t working in U30. I don't have any older test patches to try out, but I ran the benchmark with offical U and it worked fine, but now with U30 it just OOSes right at the start of the replay and the sound goes into loopy mode.

edit: I also get the error with U22 and U28.
lol.. like i said, its no surprise at all tbh, dont expect to many replays to be.. replayable after a series of test patches (especially 30 of them)

i mean there were a ton of changes throughout all of them
#7 - Davo
The thing is they should be since there weren't any physics changes and they're all compatible patches but apparently replays from T aren't compatible.
Quote from Davo :The thing is they should be since there weren't any physics changes and they're all compatible patches but apparently replays from T aren't compatible.

Exactly, SPR and MPR files contain steering inputs and such things that are used to recalculate position of each object on track during replay. Unless the physics is changed, replays really SHOULD be compatible. Does anyone have U-only replay to test whether U is compatible with U30 test patch?

I am starting to believe that those "apparent" physics changes mentioned here ( arent just illusions...
OK, I have just recorded one SPR in U-only version to see what it will do when played under U30. Amazingly it worked. That seems a "bit" weird to me.. just follow my toughts.

1) There are NO physics changes from S to U30 patch
2) T-version replay works in U, but not in U30
3) U-version replay seems to work in U30 correctly

So what makes the incompatibility between T and U30???
Quote from MadCatX :So what makes the incompatibility between T and U30???

The anti-cheat system that came about around U19 or whenever it was? Not all U test patches are compatible either anymore. I thought only U, and U19 and on were now compatible.
All test patches have been, to my knowledge, compatible.
#12 - Davo
I tested U22 as it's the earliest U test patch I have and the T replay didn't work with it. So maybe someone with 18 or 19 could test it out.
Quote from mrodgers :The anti-cheat system that came about around U19 or whenever it was? Not all U test patches are compatible either anymore. I thought only U, and U19 and on were now compatible.

That also came on my mind when thinking about it. IIRC anti-cheat was introduced in U20, but that still gives no explanation. U and T are compatible. U and U30 are compatible, despite the anti-cheat used in U30. It is just only Uxx and T(I am going to check whether U and U30 replays play correctly under T if I find T-version on my HDD )
Quote from mrodgers :The anti-cheat system that came about around U19 or whenever it was? Not all U test patches are compatible either anymore. I thought only U, and U19 and on were now compatible.

but its an spr it shouldnt be affected by the cheat protection
All this has been already discussed here. Instead of waiting for the new replay from the LFSbench staf, I made it myself. Took me 3 times to get similar lap to the original LFSbench replay. The replay is v.U19 and works with U30.

OOS Error when using U30?
(15 posts, started )