ASS, RSC and FILSCA all overlook LFS at the current time. I am currently attempting to actively change this state of affairs.
I recently attempt promotion of STCC at RSC, where I was offered the chance to produce a broadcast league for use on thier new portal comming January next year. Only with the stipulation that it wasn't the current LFS based series. I said, "OK, but pay me or use STCC".
Today I applied to register the STCC as a FILSCA recognised league where, and offered to solve all technical problems in integrating LFS to their web system which I understand is a pre-requisite of membership. From recollection FILSCA have tried to implement LFS support previously but could not find anyone willing to produce the tools. I will produce the tools they ask for if they'll recognise STCC.
FILSCA recognition will in turn get STCC into the ASS magazine, and provide an opportunity to promote the series there, which in turn will raise LFS' profile in all of these communities.
Whether any of this happens depends on whether there is any real opposition to LFS being included, as often its suggested some of these sites/groups have some kind of financial backing behind their 'independence', except RSC which just admits it is funded - but wont say by whome.