The online racing simulator
TEST Patch P4 (now P12)
(556 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Scawen :Most of them shouldn't need target times, because the lesson display automatically shows the target times.

But GP4Flo would be the best person to answer your question, if you can give examples.

I've looked through them, and yes, it really shows them automatically. So no more worries.

I've got just some questions regarding some strings' sense : what does "Map squares" mean? (it shows when a track is loading)

What about adding lines for "bit" and "Hz"? And also about making AIs' knowledge files names independent on a selected language?

One more request: in hot lapping there are the words "Lap-Ok Next-Ok". In my translation the strings are a bit longer and stick together, not to say about the "invalid" equivalent.

[edit] just would like to remind that the most up-to-date translation is, of course, in Victor's tool.
Attached images
A bug
A bug with the number plate. My one was written in Latin characters. Now I try to change it, but can't delete any character. Instead of backspace I get "XXXXXXX" everywhere, neither the "del" button works. Here are some screenshots and my player file so that you could reproduce the bug.
Attached images
LFS 2005-10-17 15-21-09-67.jpg
LFS 2005-10-17 15-21-16-35.jpg
LFS 2005-10-17 15-21-21-34.jpg
LFS 2005-10-17 15-21-28-98.jpg
Attached files
^4aero^0.^ - 283 B - 257 views
Quote from detail :I've got just some questions regarding some strings' sense : what does "Map squares" mean? (it shows when a track is loading)

It's a thing used in games, the world is divided into squares. Then all interactable objects (physics objects etc) are registered on these squares.

It's an optimisation so that for each collision test (or whatever interaction) you only check the objects that are registered on the nearby squares, instead of all the objects in the world.
Ok, thanks. Sorry for bugging, what does "Bump textures" mean?
Quote from detail :Ok, thanks. Sorry for bugging, what does "Bump textures" mean?

It's a mapping of small high frequency bumps on tiled textures, like bumps in the road or some bumpy grass.
Quote from Scawen :It's a mapping of small high frequency bumps on tiled textures, like bumps in the road or some bumpy grass.

Thanks. Fixed the translation.
Quote from Scawen :It's wider. It's a side effect of something else and i decided to leave it because it seemed to be more readable.

Because the letters needed to be squashed a little vertically, to fit in the accents, so they were then made larger on the buttons and user messages, to compensate. And that left them the same height as the old ones but slightly wider.

I decided that looked better than the old thin ones, so i wouldn't go trying to adjust all the widths again... but everyone else's opinions are welcome, of course.

Is there a chance to have option to set "characters aspect ratio"? (wider ones looks like on old 8bit computer for me ).
I'm using 1280x720 screen resolution and then aspect ratio of characters is different and characters looks too wide and ugly.

EDIT> I tried 1280x1024 and characters looks great! But on my 16/9 resolution it's much worse.
Here's a small update - just an abc file - various character improvements.

- improved the shape of e
- tilde accent is now curvy (Lible's request)
- repaired width of 2 cyrillic characters (detail's request)
- improved the sizes of various small cyrillic letters
- small corrections to several characters

Do let me know of any other non-english characters that look wrong - they only take a minute to change.
Attached files - 34.2 KB - 298 views
Quote from Pablo.CZ :Is there a chance to have option to set "characters aspect ratio"? (wider ones looks like on old 8bit computer for me ).
I'm using 1280x720 screen resolution and then aspect ratio of characters is different and characters looks too wide and ugly.

the wider characters have caused a few problems so i will be reducing their width to approximately the same as before P4.
Quote from detail :One more request: in hot lapping there are the words "Lap-Ok Next-Ok". In my translation the strings are a bit longer and stick together, not to say about the "invalid" equivalent.

I've tried to reproduce this, but i don't get the problem.

That bug would appeat if in Russian.txt there is no space in front of the 3a_hlvcthis or 3a_hlvcnext text strings. This space seems to be invisible when viewing the translation online, but somehow Victor has made it insert that space into the actual text file.

It's as if your download has removed any double spaces in the text file and replaced them with a single space...
Hi Racer's, iam a Noob i now but on the side is only the p2 patch why???
We always put the test patches here first because they are likely to contain bugs. When we are sure they are stable and don't have more bugs than the old version, then they go onto the LFS site.
(xaotik) DELETED by xaotik : Scawen answered
Ahh thanks.Its better for me to stay on the P2 patch???
well you can read the changelog and decide wheather you want to try the P4 or not. It's a test patch, it's up to you
Danish language is looking very fine...
We have the Æ Ø and Å

For those who would not know...
Quote from Scawen :I've tried to reproduce this, but i don't get the problem.

That bug would appeat if in Russian.txt there is no space in front of the 3a_hlvcthis or 3a_hlvcnext text strings. This space seems to be invisible when viewing the translation online, but somehow Victor has made it insert that space into the actual text file.

It's as if your download has removed any double spaces in the text file and replaced them with a single space...

All right, I've added spaces by myself, now it looks ok.
Is it possible to add text strings for the weather conditions (i.e. "Bright Clear", etc)?

Also, the newly added string with the language name doesn't actually do anything - the name of the language still appears to be handled by reading the filename in and displaying it in the list (see attachment and also note the characters which are changed by the OS's codepage because of the way the language names are currently retrieved).
Attached images
Quote from xaotik :Is it possible to add text strings for the weather conditions (i.e. "Bright Clear", etc)?

Also, the newly added string with the language name doesn't actually do anything - the name of the language still appears to be handled by reading the filename in and displaying it in the list (see attachment and also note the characters which are changed by the OS's codepage because of the way the language names are currently retrieved).

Well, I'd also support the idea of lightning type names. And, maybe even the names of tracks, because it's not natural for non-latin based languages to make latin insets. That would be nice, but I'm afraid there already made requests need a lot of time to be implemented.

As for the names of the languages, I think they will be in the next test patch, just be patient.

I've tried the new, now the cyrillic letters look perfectly.
Lighting and config names can't be done, they are not LFS strings, they are names contained within the track files.

Language names are not done, they are implemented in the language file so you can enter them and then i can code it up with some test data (your language files) and then all being well, you should see it working in the next patch.

( ... ?p=28067&postcount=16 )
(xaotik) DELETED by xaotik : Pointless - out of topic, should of taken it to PM.
(detail) DELETED by detail : чячмчясмячсм
(xaotik) DELETED by xaotik : Pointless - Scawen surely knows better how to do it...
(xaotik) DELETED by xaotik : Pointless - off topic, should of taken it to PM.
(detail) DELETED by detail : 1111111111
(GP4Flo) DELETED by GP4Flo : obsolete post
(xaotik) DELETED by xaotik : Pointless - off topic, should of taken it to PM.
(detail) DELETED by detail : 1111111111
Quote from GP4Flo :What about Options -> Graphics -> Mip bias (Schärfe in german) -> -4.00
The mip bias option changes the texture sharpness as well as the text sharpness, at least on my laptop.

After some thought... I was thinking this could be VERY useful.

I like to have sharp text... but I don't like a very pixel and fully sharp terrain, it is hard on my eyes sometimes. If we could have the Mip Bias split into two, one for the Track, and one for the Text it would be very nice. Not to mention, if you could connect the text mip bias to the chalk lines in autox mode somehow... those are REALLY hard to see with a soft mip bias.
Well, can someone tell me how to reproduce that mip bias bug?

After S1, i stopped the mip bias affecting the text at all, and just set the text mip bias to an optimal value.

In fact, can we keep that separate so this thread doesn't start to confuse me, how about making a report in the bug forum? If you know a way to reproduce it, or maybe it's hardware deopendent, so i'll need to know your hardware and maybe the startup section of the deb.log will help.
I don't think the following is for the bugs reports. The same problem as with radio channels arises if one types cyrillic letters to the numberplate or to AIs' names. Instead of cyrillic he'll see unreadable latin.
Quote from Scawen :Well, can someone tell me how to reproduce that mip bias bug?

Well it's not really (anymore) a bug in LFS, it was caused by my tweaked driver which overwrites the mip bias, resulting in sharp or burred textures. But with a default-driver, the font is always unsharp
Actually I was setting the mip bias with a tool, not within LFS.

But some parts of text are still influenced by the mip bias setting in LFS, such as the hud rev limiter numbers (in the between wheels view, or 3rd person).

In the end it would be nice to have a slider to adjust the font mip bias, too
#74 - jmkz
you have mip map bias in-game ; and there's texture quality setting in your videocard driver control panel; if you set that too low, your text will look blurry, it's nothing LFS can change.
To Scawen:

There is a very little "bug" in characters in LFS: In spanish we can say "first" masculine or feminine and if you resume "first" like "1st", we say like "1º" masculine and "1ª" feminine. But even with the p4 patch, we still can't say "1ª" because instead of "ª" there is a square

This thread is closed

TEST Patch P4 (now P12)
(556 posts, closed, started )