The online racing simulator
unban on demo servers?
(2 posts, started )
#1 - Chaos
unban on demo servers?
please how to unban somebody on a demo server if I don't have acces to the bans file? /unban nick or /unban IPaddress does not work...

could it be possible to implement a command for removing all bans from a server?

p.s. dunno if the thread would not be more suited to the Bugs or Improvement suggestions subforums... If the mods feel like moving it anywhere, please do so...
#2 - SamH
I figure it's best in the Technical Assistance thread..

To answer your question, I don't know how to unban from Demo without editing the data\misc\bans.ban file itself. In there, the IP address is stored along with the date/time the ban was issued and the date/time the ban will expire. I don't think an unban is possible any other way, I'm afraid.

unban on demo servers?
(2 posts, started )