The online racing simulator
Will You Buy The PS3
(34 posts, started )
No, never had any consoles (they suck)
*puts on flame-suit*
No I wouldn't buy one! Check my sig!
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
AndroidXP voted to ban wheel4hummer (2/10)

Quote from farcar :Well la-de da, look who's Mr Mature and too old and wise for consoles.

Actually an XBox or Wii or whatever probably isn't too bad of a console, but I just have an incredibly negative stance towards Sony lately. But really, I'm just not a console person and for me there would probably be only 1 or 2 worthwhile games.
What's up with the "la de da" lately?
A friend of mine has a PS3...paid $750US for it...TOOOOOO much if you ask me, at least for this first run. The network connectivity takes at least 30min to download the <100Meg file with an 8Mbit connection, and that's if you can actually get a 'good' rate. Sometimes, it'll go for 15min and not be done with the first 2%... Also, there's some output issues with different tv's, ps2 games don't play right, it costs $600, there's no linux drivers for the cell yet, etc. etc... I would like one, but I don't have an HDTV yet, and I find it best to wait for at least the first price cut and all the bugs to worked out...oh, and GT5...
Quote from AndroidXP :Come on, don't you see how lame that is?

I just wanna get more souls then everyone else!
tbh consoles have lost their touch with me... Only a few years ago thats all I'd play, barely touch a computer for gaming. My brother has an Xbox360 and nothing interests me about it.

I'm a fan of the Metal Gear Solid series so if I was ever to have spare money kicking about then I'd probably have a PS3 but that is unlikely.

I think consoles are great fun for a group of you, especially nintendos with the fun games like Mario Tennis etc. Never got tired of the N64 in the common room last year at school, 4 player Smash Bros, Mario Tennis etc


Will You Buy The PS3
(34 posts, started )