The online racing simulator
3 New Drift Layouts
(12 posts, started )
3 New Drift Layouts
3 New drift layouts are added. Screenshots, details etc on our site as usuall.

EDIT: Some of the links below may not work anymore because our site went under major changes, but all the layouts are still on our site. Just visit the link below, all layouts are sorted there, you can easily find everything.

You have to scroll down a bit, the new layouts are on the bottom, 5-6-7.

All are drift layouts for Fern Bay. One for each rally track (only tarmac part there) and one for FE Green Reversed, 1st section.

Intro videos are availabel now for all layouts, so it's easier for you to see the actual layout without opening LFS. The video is in a rar file split to 1.4mb pieces, due to file size limit on, where we host the videos. So sorry about the inconvenience.

Layout 5 - FE Rallycross Drift

Layout 6 - FE RX Green Drift

Layout 7 - FE Green R Drift

NB: I didn't steal the idea for the short FE rally track, from that other thread that's here. All of these layouts were done quite a while ago, just some finishing touches here and there, to make them nicer, have been done recently.
We hosted the layout videos on google videos, so you can have an easier preview without having to download anything.

Here are the videos for these drift layouts:
FE5 Layout:



The quality isn't best obviously, but perfectly fine for a preview.

And please leave some comments, 170views and no replies at all doesn't tell me much. If you dont like the layout post that they are crap, if you like them, post that you like them. Just post your opinion, whether bad or good.

PS: You can find the videos also on our site, and also for the previous layouts as well.
I like em mate
#4 - Davo
Danzig do you play AQ2?
Wtf is AQ2?
#7 - Davo
Action Quake 2. Thought you were the same Danzig that plays.
Ohhh, nah I dont man.
(imthebestracerthereis) DELETED by imthebestracerthereis
#9 - apo3d
The requested URL /viewpage.php was not found on this server.
Sorry about that, we recently updated our site and these links are pretty old. Easiest thing to do is just go to our website, all our layouts can be found there.

Sorry about the inconvenience, hope you enjoy the layouts.
Car Park drift layout

3 New Drift Layouts
(12 posts, started )