Dang, that's rough. Over a stupid game console. And I thought it was bad enough people pay so much for these things, let alone kill a human over one.
Blah, this is worse than the mother that called the police on her kids for finding the christmas presents!!!
Quote from Tweaker :Blah, this is worse than the mother that called the police on her kids for finding the christmas presents!!! Lol I saw that in the news. I think it was this kid at his grandmas house finding this GameBoy for christmas.
What pisses me of is how the Jack Thompsons of the world will (no doubt) blame this murder on video game violence. The truth is that this sick f**k would just as likely snap and kill someone if someone accidentally drank his beer at the pub. illepall People need to understand that people who murder are psychopaths no matter what it is they're hobbies are. It might be gaming or stamp collecting.
ouch, that man isnt human. $600 or your daughter? when peoples children are kidnapped, people a willing to pay millions for their safe return
Uh oh, violence over a console. I bet they played too many beat 'em up games on his console. Time for them to get banned
Quote from Hankstar :That makes me physically sick. Hope he makes lots of new and interesting friends in prison. Oh, he will. I dont know how it is where you live, but this person will be beaten on a daily basis, and probably killed. People in prison have zero tolerance for child abusers.