Looking for a SHOWROOM for LFS
(9 posts, started )
Looking for a SHOWROOM for LFS
Ok I'm not sure where to look for the showroom or if it's another program or what, i've seen it in edited pics a couple of times. Also is this an addon or what? Wrong place to post? I really want this and if some one can help me please help..... i've posted a preview of someone's pic, i'm using as an example. http://www.lfsforum.net/attach ... ntid=113&d=1123815613 Thanks- MIKE
#2 - Jakg
Thats a pic from the viewer with some photoshop work.
So it's not an addon it's just photo shop work?
#4 - ZORER
backgound is taken from somewhere else, maybe some 3d render.
and the car is from lfs viewer probably.
#5 - Gunn
The backgrounds are edited versions of images created for an old PC game AFAIK and were free of restrictions in regards to personal use including editing and distrubution for non-commercial use. I also recall that they were in the public domain. I even have some of them, however since I can not fully validate the above claims down to the legal letter, as it were, at this time I won't risk distributing them or elaborating any further.

There is another member who may offer more info but that is not my business. I hope my answer has at least made the nature of the origin of the images a little more apparent.
For me, that background looks like some version of NFS.
#7 - bbman
Yep, NfS:U 2, to be exact...
no, that isn't NFSU2, i dont know what that is from though, its all to low poly to be NFSU2 nor does it look like it, NFSU2 had a clean look, that is more dirty

it would be cool and nice to put something together like that for the in pits view

Looking for a SHOWROOM for LFS
(9 posts, started )