XR interior/lights
(17 posts, started )
XR interior/lights
hi! this is my first interior
replaced the rear seats, doors,dash and other stuff to carbon
and added som other things
i did NOT make the rear lights..

wow, nice interior, I want it!!!!!!

DDS files added!
ekstremt bra neon
NICE! i like this one alot, I have tried 2 do a carbonfibre interior myself but this one was great
Where do I put the files ?
in the folder called data/dds
hmm, strange, but they work when i put them in the folder
Your username really says it all
its a VERY old username
Umm i somehow missed the part, where theres a download link. You said u uploaded the dds, but i dont see any dl link
#13 - Mc21
Quote from Razvan :Umm i somehow missed the part, where theres a download link. You said u uploaded the dds, but i dont see any dl link

And me.
Where are the links? why did you take them away?!, i love that interior...
Please put the links back up.
Yeah pleas post the link.

XR interior/lights
(17 posts, started )