After few birth problems

Monk coded new version of CLIS on the fly, i just compiled, restarted and voala, full server and everything works like a charm. Monk is the one!
Thanks to all people who gave their talents, time and hearts to this idea. It was beautiful adventure eventhough it took about 10 times longer than I expected in my most skeptic guess.
Thanks MaxH, for your trust, understanding and your fat internet line for the host.
Thanks Ran, for your gamesome fresh thinking and tons of sweet ideas from the beginning.
Thanks Chris, for making my babelling sound like the decent English and doing the best PR for the project I have ever seen.
Thanks Raz, for writing our awesome Road safety rules and bringing the Police gang which redefines the term team-work.
Thanks Cropsy, countless unpatient kids went away with your kind advices already - if I will born again, want you as my dad.
Hey Spidstax, thank you for this genial name - Caribbean Cruise.
Supaman, your cars specs are nowhere else to be found, still.
Tristan thank you for your cheering words during the project development.
N2O, gear, good old days with only you and me on testing server.
Smorg, Zeeall, without you I never would guess how crazy things I can expect from our players.
DoN, your Carl movies were the kick in my ass when I was losing interest in this.
And Jenny, thank you for allowance to become my beautiful inspiration.:lovies3d:
I hope I speak on behalf of all these people when I say, that we dedicated our effort to
Scawen Roberts, Eric Bailey, Victor van Vlaardingen. For the best game ever.