The online racing simulator
The official and pointless thread of the REAL LFS HISTORY (early years)

Tsunami: turbos + online + idiots = carnage.
Tsunami: Theres no proof that he's cheating just because his gear change is lower.
Tsunami: Stop being girls and complain and just drive faster.
Tsunami: morons
st0rm: isnt this the downshift light tsunami?
Sweet: The result is that because of their competetiveness they start all over again trying to close that lap.
Buzz_Leonhardt: So to clarify things...there WAS a cheat?
Sweet: And Tsunami, please be quiet for a moment. You sound like a bad LP record of the seventies that is stuck in the same groove.
MRomao: Just to complement it with my gaiward graph core clock @ 405 and mem @ 842 fps can be as high as the attached pict on the long straight fps almost reaches 900
MRomao: what I mean is that for sure I download a faulty LFS, and as I improved the Pc at the same time though the performance increase was coming from it
Carfreak: why don't download the full version of LFS on you know that site right!!!! I got the full version for free on it isn't illegal cuz it's p2p (peer-to-peer)
tsunami: God you people are a cynicle mob.
Seamus: <smallprint>The above is my personal opinion and is not representative of the thoughts of the entire RSC team.
tsunami: I really couldnt give a toss about this topic "so why are you posting in it" blow me.
Carfreak: Ups wrong ramp!
Carfreak: what's advance?????????????? Gameboy advance!!!!!!!!!!!
Carfreak: It's easy! jst press the "calibrate botton" in the opitions menu!
Carfreak: I have a microsoft force feedback wheel! : D What about you ah!
Carfreak: Hey are you from finland cuz i'm not i've just written that i'mfrom finland, i'm from usa, New York..... hmm
Carfreak: same here! I got the very same problem here!! but i'll live
Carfreak: No i'm not a bad driver!! I have drived go-kart since I was 7 and now I'm 13... so no not at all!!!
Carfreak: yes I moved to danmark!... lol... you know that right! they talks a very strange langauge like: "hej med dig" translatet to english: hello how are you doing"
Carfreak: wired!! I have never noticed that bug!!
Carfreak: I got the sound blaster, and I will try what you said!
Carfreak: Ups!!! my fault.. Think I gonna close this thread now!
Carfreak: I only got the small car. there is two other sports cars. help!
Bathrone: How about at the end of the race, the AI vehicles do a close down lap, to cool their vehicle and head back to the pits, instead of just stopping? It might add a bit more realism
Bathrone: Ahhh, full screen anti aliasing at 6x, and anisotropic filtering at 16 tap does require good graphics card grunt
Bathrone: When the drivers head is in a certain position, and the vehicle is moving in a certain way a "hole" in the roof appears.
Bathrone: The image display for the power lines has errors.
Bathrone: Cant say Im gealous, imagine Scawen having to do stuff in assembly for optimizing it Eeeek.
Fonnybone: For those that do not know yet, life doesn't obey physic 'laws'.
Bathrone: Currently Im running 13.5 inch wide this season and its going well.
Bathrone: If you think Im waffling, then YOU dont understand the issues.
Bathrone: Maybe your miffed cos your bubble has been burst....hmmm?
Bathrone: Your making up things Ive never said dude.
Tsunami: Everything would be solved in my mind if the tracks were just bitumen and then grass. no run off area thats also concrete or whatever. It would solve everything.
jfbsplit: sory i dont made a car a just make a paint
jfbsplit: eille farme donc ta yeule ma parler la LANGUE KE JE VX FAKE VA DONC CHIER TOI TABARNAK
Turboholic-senn: elitist snobs. the frankenstein setups can't beat you, so what are u worried about?
RB26DETT: Take a look at this MPR replay and tell me what you think could of made my GTI go to 189km/h all of a sudded. Could it be the horn?
Niels_at_home: everything's fine as long as we don't se a half naked Scawen with 'thanks guys' printed on his buttocks...
paul broere: I`m a real race fanatic, and race almost every day for at least 10 minutes
Hielke: it's not THAT funny
* KiDCoDEa was kicked by ChanServ (Sir KiDCoDEa , You repeated 3 times, slow down!. Welcome back after 2 mins (timedban). - Only in their dreams can men be truly free. (vari))
kidcodea: this was about birds, but they are absent. they are no where to be found. not in this text nor in blackwood.
nosispower: Spectators that get lost and wander onto the track! ROFLMAO!
Hielke: NO, not only the horn dude, you have to raise your left arm as well
RB26DETT: Top page ??? Where!!!!!!!!
nosispower: I only care about interaction with man, computer, electrons and machine.
Fonnybone: Deug..degedeug..degedeug..degedeug..degeDEUG__DEUG_DEUG_DEUG_ (bis) Whatcha talkin' 'bout mOn ? It's got a groove !
KiDCoDEa: vic ya hihats still sound like a casiotone from the 80s [20:09] * LFS_Tech Quit
<+Cubits> qoute! <+Cubits> .. <Seamus> haha <Seamus> idiot!
nosispower, Bronze Member: Noob doesn't mean wrecker. By your logic, everyone is a logic because every was a noob at one time....


more attached, due to request of many families.

ps: thanks to vari for keeping golden archive somewhere safe all this time. golden quotes from around sep2002 onwards
Attached files
lfs_quotes.txt - 60.1 KB - 348 views
(MyBoss) DELETED by MyBoss : request
#2 - ajp71
wtf is this post about?
#3 - nilo
#4 - nihil
'King funny spam tho.... like a stream of consciousness soap opera...
You'd think he could've just attached the logfiles... But noooo, he has me break the scroll wheel.
Early IRC chat conversations?
Could someone please explain this pointless blabble to me in english? Or in other words, what the hell is this guy on about, spamming is not done here.
#8 - Jakg
Quote from ajp71 :wtf is this post about?

IRC quotes.

Basically kid wants to increase his e-penis.
#10 - Don
Quote from angry celle :Hello dear lfs racers
Im working now on a new gti skin whit flames and.....Freddy Kruger !!! I hope u all gonna like this Angry Skin.

Here is a picture from the skin.Comments please Thx Greetz ... id=60441&d=1049896089

Angry Celle, 09.04.2003

...thats a classic i loved his angry skins
Quote from KiDCoDEa :
* KiDCoDEa was kicked by ChanServ (Sir KiDCoDEa , You repeated 3 times, slow down!. Welcome back after 2 mins (timedban). - Only in their dreams can men be truly free. (vari)...

Since when did this become the skin thread?
Quote from the_angry_angel :IRC quotes.

Basically kid wants to increase his e-penis.

hehehe actually many are taken from early lfsforum days.
my e-penis doesnt increase by posting a txt archive of golden quotes from ol'times kept fortunately by someone else.
good effort though maybe dat oneliner enters next volume
post me monica belluci pics and you might see my e-penis from the uk.
So who can be bothered enough to wade through all this poo to decript KiD's cryptic message of the month?
I think I can descipher his messege: "I like to post pointless threads to attract attension of lots of people." - If I am wrong then would you please tell me the reason for posting alot of pointless quotes from 'past times' as if anyone cares, or is going to read through that amount of text, maybe hyperlink sections of it, or write a novel?
#16 - Don
Quote from xWolFx :I think I can descipher his messege: "I like to post pointless threads to attract attension of lots of people." - If I am wrong then would you please tell me the reason for posting alot of pointless quotes from 'past times' as if anyone cares, or is going to read through that amount of text, maybe hyperlink sections of it, or write a novel?

imagine that some people care. people who experienced these times atleast.
Okay, lets say that you care, then you are saying that you dont mind having that amount of stuff posted in the general discussion forum, then you are going to read through all of it, and comment on it?
i think it already served a purpose.
maybe just to point out that lately no proper fun can be had on a forum where sad people hunt whatever gets posted, even stuff they dont care about or understand, in order to post the usual negativity aiming for the high post quantity that can give them the respect their post quality history lacks.

im glad i can surf negativity with a smile though
Quote from KiDCoDEa :post me monica belluci pics and you might see my e-penis from the uk.

There's no emoticon to describe how hard I laughed at that line..........
Ever think maybe peoples reactions to Kid are slightly tainted by history?
What would the reaction have been if this had been posted by someone else?
Ok, no one else would have posted this, not like this anyway. Most people would have put a bit more explanation.
I havnt read it all, I may not, depends how bored I get, at least I have something to read if I do.
You may not get on with Kid, but he sometimes tells the truth, like that last post there.

Quote from xWolFx :I think I can descipher his messege: "I like to post pointless threads to attract attension of lots of people."

By the looks of it, that's exactly what people use 'General LFS Discussion' for.

E-Penis enlargement pills available through email.
haha, had a good laugh reading it Keep em coming
Nothing much more to say, just been looking at Haru's avatar for the past 20 minutes. illepall
Quote from KiDCoDEa :post me monica belluci pics and you might see my e-penis from the uk.

rofl I'm glad you took my comment the way I meant it
Since we're on the topic of KiDCoDEa...

Can anybody explain why I associate that name with images of Ren and Stimpy in my mind?