The online racing simulator
need some help with skin, please.

Ok I'm experiencing a minor problem with skining, i'm getting the lines on the car skin, VIEW PIC TO SEE. I'm using Adobe Phostshop CS2 and i'm new to it so i'm not sure how to get rid of the lines, please help me out, cuz this sucks. Also how do I apply decals with adobe?
#2 - Jakg
you made it with the pro-kit, didn't you!

Just right hand click on the "wire frame" layer, and delete it
And there is this LFS viewer where you can view the skin without going to LFS all the time, CMX Viewer
First make sure you have the LAYERS toolbox active, its under the Windows menu list in Photoshop. Then you deselect the wireframe layer to get rid of them. Working in different layers is really fundamental to Photoshop, think of each one as a different piece of transparent film you can draw on, then select to see it or not or set it to semi-transparent, or a multitude of other things.

If you want to get started, a good place to start is Photoshop tutorials on Google and read thru 'working with layers'.
Thanks for the fast responses guys, and yes it's the PRO KIT. I'm still having problems placing carbon fiber and decals.

Thanks Alot- Mike
are u using photoshop? if so cf is very easy for me. Get CF like a very big one. Then click on whatever u want CF. Lets say u want the hood CF magic wand the hood then copy it. Paste what you coppied on the CF that u have. On the CF there should be two layers. One is the CF and the other is the hood. Now magic wand the hood on layers click CF layer then copy. Now go back to your skin file the hood should still be magicwanded then just paste and it should be CF .