Hmm, well I highly doubt the .TEX file is secure... someone would just make a .TEX viewer or an easy convertor. I mean... you created it from a .TGA file, what makes it impossible to revert back?

. And a .TEX file can be opened by most paint programs as far as I know, unless this is some special file for the game. But like I said, people make tools to view these kinds of things.
I'm all for people
not ripping skins, I've been in a few cases myself from teams stealing my work... it is a pain. But it doesn't happen so much that the whole simple skinning system we have now needs to be changed to a silly format. Sure the extra step of making a certain file for the skin instead could distract a ripper from even trying, but it just makes an extra step for skinners and especially LFSW support. The way it is now is what makes skinning so easy compared to other sims, even for the newbie wanting to make something simple.
And besides, if you made an 'encrypted' skin, how would it be done? If you couldn't make anything open it, how would say... the original author be able to view it incase he lost his original files? How would it know who it belongs too, and who could open it. A passworded image file? (Could be done like with Flash and PDFs). But making all of the 'security' precautions all to prevent ripping or usage online? The time involved for Scawen to code something to protect skin files would be tremendous I take it... let alone the need to update this feature incase their is some hole, because afterall, not everything is secure, maybe even the game itself!!! I must repeat... it is just such a small issue that this feature doesn't need to be considered in my opinion. Nothing better than finding out who took/used your skin and talking to them in a proper fashion to resolve the issue.
This feature is a
whole lot more than it sounds like.
Might as well just mark your skin with a Creative Commons copyright thing or something -- -- You have room for that