The online racing simulator
New stunt server is online
(34 posts, started )
New stunt server is online
Hello everyone

There are not much server with custom layouts up out there so we want change this: Since yesterday we have a new stunt server up [SRC] StuntRacingServer. For all they want some fun on some nice stunt tracks come and take a look. We have 8 stunt tracks at this moment. You can change them easy like normal race tracks in the track selection screen. Only the tracks as stunt version are avaiable the other tracks are not selectable.

BL1 Rampcross from Disposable
BL3 KJ_Rally2 from KennethDK
BL2R_El_Bitcho_1 from our team mate El_Bitcho (rallycross with ramps)
BL1R_Hitman_MT_1 from me (rallycross with ramps)
AS5_Hitman_MT_2 from me (rallycross)
FE2_Hitman_MT_3 from me (rallycross)
SO4_reversed2 from detail
KY2_Hitman_MT_4 from me (rallycross)
more comming soon

The SRC StreetRacingClub wish you all much fun
Quote from Hitman_MT :Hello everyone

There are not much server with custom layouts up out there so we want change this: Since yesterday we have a new stunt server up [SRC] StuntRacingServer. For all they want some fun on some nice stunt tracks come and take a look. We have 4 stunt tracks at this moment. You can change them easy like normal race tracks in the track selection screen. Only the tracks as stunt version are avaiable the other tracks are not selectable.

Tracks: BL1 Rampcross from Disposable
BL3 KJ_Rally2 from KennethDK
BL2R_El_Bitcho_1 from our team mate El_Bitcho
BL1R_Hitman_MT_1 from me
more comming soon

The SRC StreetRacingClub wish you all much fun

I'm searching for it now
hehe. sounds like fun (an alternative for banger racing?)
I'll check it out when I'm home.
Are theyre manditory jump sections?

If so I will be there tomorrow!!
i raced on it yesterday, and while confusing the first time you come up to a man made chicane, it is bloody good fun
@ Ziploc

yep. on the Blackwood tracks
Just raced on it, this is sooo much fun :eclipseeh

Finally something more rallye like in LFS (normal rallyX is pretty sucky compared to this)
#8 - Honey
i played yesterday and it was real fun!!!

i got bored of AS5 because difficult to see/understand where to go on offroad sections (but that's not your fault, it's because of the curls that fool me ) and also the part inside pits because garages are really too narrow (for a noob like me ).

anyway it's a damn great idea, please continue with this project!!!!!

i hope in a future patch it will be possible to add ramps also to other tracks and not only BL
Oh I love it, soooo much fun. I was surprised how close the racing could get, at one point I was bumper to bumper with people.
Wheee, I just love this server :bowdown:
What he said
@ Honey

Yes AS5 is a bit to big track for a custom layout. I see this as i was closly done with the track. i have only 512 objects that i can place. But for AS5 i need around 800-1000 objects. So i choose a smaler track at next. I decide for fern bay green. This track is a nice rally/drift track. Best choose is a rally setup. My tracks driving verry different to the normal race tracks. You must damn fast shifting steering and handbreaking to "push" your car through the hard turns. I put alot passages in the track with changing ground (asphalt/grass/sand/dirt) and 180° turns. Its very difficulty to learn to drive this and you need to use your handbreak alot. But its alot fun to take 180° corners with the front of the car close to the pylon in the center of the corner and the rear slipping around and take the swing after the corner to the next corner. Good old rally style like in the TV
And with a bit training you can be damn fast on this tracks. I watching yesterday El_Bitcho driving alot sick lap times on FE2 with an amazing driving style.
Quote from Hitman_MT :@ Honey

Yes AS5 is a bit to big track for a custom layout. I see this as i was closly done with the track. i have only 512 objects that i can place. But for AS5 i need around 800-1000 objects. So i choose a smaler track at next. I decide for fern bay green. This track is a nice rally/drift track. Best choose is a rally setup. My tracks driving verry different to the normal race tracks. You must damn fast shifting steering and handbreaking to "push" your car through the hard turns. I put alot passages in the track with changing ground (asphalt/grass/sand/dirt) and 180° turns. Its very difficulty to learn to drive this and you need to use your handbreak alot. But its alot fun to take 180° corners with the front of the car close to the pylon in the center of the corner and the rear slipping around and take the swing after the corner to the next corner. Good old rally style like in the TV
And with a bit training you can be damn fast on this tracks. I watching yesterday El_Bitcho driving alot sick lap times on FE2 with an amazing driving style.

i didn't mean it was too big, but rather that with an old geforce 5200 fx i use 1024 and no antialiasing and anisotropic neither, so it is graphically a bit difficult to understand where i must go, unless i learn the track a bit (not you r fault ) the way i like big tracks!

The StuntRacingServer project is proving that LFS can be even more! i hope this can make the devs decide to improve/extend the layout editor to implement more objects and make them available to all tracks.

an idea just popped in my mind (dreaming ): would be possible for scawen to let putting sand/green over the asphalt? this could make more powerful designing custom layouts...

anyway atm my favourite is blackwood rev rally layout
Blackwood Reverse just got updated a few hours ago and the ramps are much more safe now! This course rocks so much!

My best time at that one is 2:10.78 currently (with the FXO). Reaching 200+ km/h just before the last jump is a blast
Quote from Honey :i didn't mean it was too big, but rather that with an old geforce 5200 fx i use 1024 and no antialiasing and anisotropic neither, so it is graphically a bit difficult to understand where i must go, unless i learn the track a bit (not you r fault ) the way i like big tracks!

Personally I use the lowest mipmap settings I can (most blurred textures) so that awful "pixel wandering" doesn't happen. Unfortunately the mipmap bias isn't enough to completely stop that so I do two more things:

1) in the nVidia graphics options set the "negative lod bias" to "clamp" and
2) use rivatuner to set the mip bias to 0.3

this looks sooo much more better than the dreaded "ant soup" of twiggly pixels.
Today we put a second stunt server online because the first was most time full. [SRC] StuntRacingSrv 2. We will reduce the max player to 10 or maybe 9 because with 12 peeps on a custom track with 512 (max) objects the physic engine is on limit and you get an messege "to many physical objects". So we reduce the max players but open a second server.
Great server man!
#18 - Stiv
I had to drop a line and say thanks for these servers. I have had an absolute blast on them !
I had an idea about another stunt server. Try this layout. Everyone has to start from the grid, and then pass 3 checkpoints. During a lap the drivers will have to drive in reverse direction, so this will require everyone to be careful and follow the traffic regulations (and also to agree with left or right side driving )
Attached files
SO4_reversed.lyt - 972 B - 304 views
@ detail
I have try this track and i must say its not easy to figure out how the track work. The idea is not so bad but you need to make it more easy to understand. My experience show me that only arrows is not enough. When an arrow show hard left but you have the option to drive straight then 90% of the peeps will drive straight and ignore the hard left arrow. You need to "force" the people to the right way
but the other peeps here can try this track too and post what you think.
Quote from AndroidXP :Personally I use the lowest mipmap settings I can (most blurred textures) so that awful "pixel wandering" doesn't happen. Unfortunately the mipmap bias isn't enough to completely stop that so I do two more things:

1) in the nVidia graphics options set the "negative lod bias" to "clamp" and
2) use rivatuner to set the mip bias to 0.3

this looks sooo much more better than the dreaded "ant soup" of twiggly pixels.

thanks a lot for the hints, i will try them asap!
Really enjoying these servers. Very good obsticles with nice technical layouts!

met the guy who made the blgp one earlier and beat him a few times *shock* then he downloaded a better set and kicked my ass.. shame :P

keep it up guys, really good fun! its brought me back to LFS after being out of it for a while anyways
as I said when I was on the server: excellent layout. I really enjoyed it
@ Hitman_MT:
yes, that's true. I can suggest 2 options: 1) make a special barrier 2) move the checkpoints to a straight, so everyone would race straighforward.
Attached files
SO4_reversed1.lyt - 1.4 KB - 338 views
SO4_reversed2.lyt - 780 B - 327 views
Quote from Hitman_MT :Today we put a second stunt server online because the first was most time full. [SRC] StuntRacingSrv 2.

Can't connect to that server It seemed to be empty so i quess no one can join... It says (loose translation from finnish to english) "Quest information not received (connection to server lost)"

New stunt server is online
(34 posts, started )