You can filter messages using '/out', which sends anything else after it to the connected InSim program. It's not exactly the same as typing '/ban dygear forever', as you'd be typing '/out ban dygear forever', but as long as you use the '/out' before anything, it (including the '/out' will be sent to the connected InSim prog, not LFS itself.
E.g. for my InSim song spammer I have..
main code:
while($run) {
while($control = fread($sock_in, 1024)) {
if(preg_match('/\/out quit/', $control)) {
echo "quitting, bye bye...\r\n";
$run = FALSE; // quit
} elseif(preg_match('/\/out pause/', $control)) {
$play = FALSE; // pause
echo "paused\r\n";
} elseif(preg_match('/\/out unpause/', $control)) {
$play = TRUE; //unpause
echo "unpaused\r\n";
// other stuff
Not sure if there is any way to send the actual '/[command] [parm]' to InSim :\
// more druken ramblings
*edit: hehe, filur, at least this time I didn't ban
you in my exmple