I've recently realised - and I do mean very recently - that we're not sidelined in the sim racing community. We're not actually black sheep. We're not a cult, or a separatist movement.
We are, as it turns out (and this was news to me), actually.. from the future.
We're not anywhere off to the side, in any sense. We're actually some way above, looking down at the other sims. It's clear, reading the content in this thread, that this is a well justified juxtaposition.
R2P WILL succeed, for those other racing games, because it attempts to bring some "LFS-isms" to them.
No victim, no foul.

We are, as it turns out (and this was news to me), actually.. from the future.
We're not anywhere off to the side, in any sense. We're actually some way above, looking down at the other sims. It's clear, reading the content in this thread, that this is a well justified juxtaposition.
R2P WILL succeed, for those other racing games, because it attempts to bring some "LFS-isms" to them.
- Okay so the skin downloading won't be automatic like we have, but at least it will be better than it is now for them.
- Organized racing will be organized and centralized for those other sims - an issue that certainly is no stumbling block in LFS.. just take a look at our race calendar.
- Racing licences.. not sure how they're going to overcome the anonymity of other sims, or prevent banned users joining - I've volunteered information on our Barricade system concept to the RFactor server guys, and wished them well finding a solution that will work with their sim, but I think it's going to take software changes to integrate any R2P licencing system, to prevent licence abuse.
No victim, no foul.