"I dunno if i got some people wrong in here... but i had a 944 turbo wich uses a wastegate. And it is actually there because a turbo will always produce a lot more boost than an engine can handle if you don't blow of the pressure that is too much.
Some wastegates are controlled by a spring in the wastegate itself, some are controlled via electronics. The 944 turbo controls the wastegate via its KLR (control unit for "turbo related functions"). There's a certain ammount of pressure and if the turbo produces more pressure, the wastegate just opens and blows off the pressure that goes lets say above 14psi for example. It's basically to protect the engine.
This is prooved with the 944 turbo. There's a screw that acts as a "valve" in the airintake system. If you replace this screw with a normal one (you block the information about how much boost is running like this, so the KLR wont know (its a common test to see if your turbocharger is still working if the car produces not enough boost)). Now if you do this and your turbo is still fine, you will easily run pressures WAY above normal ones. And easily destroy your engine.
The wastegate is to blow off pressure that is too much, produced by the turbo (a turbo doesnt increase pressure "proportional", if you don't blow off pressure at some point it gets a lot more than the engine can handle).
I think this is way offtopic, but some people in here explained the wastegate completely wrong in my opinion.
Anyway, sorry for the offtopic...
But the wastegate opens a way to the escape, this causes less rpm for the turbine and less air presure to the engine.
Some wastegates are controlled by a spring in the wastegate itself, some are controlled via electronics. The 944 turbo controls the wastegate via its KLR (control unit for "turbo related functions"). There's a certain ammount of pressure and if the turbo produces more pressure, the wastegate just opens and blows off the pressure that goes lets say above 14psi for example. It's basically to protect the engine.
This is prooved with the 944 turbo. There's a screw that acts as a "valve" in the airintake system. If you replace this screw with a normal one (you block the information about how much boost is running like this, so the KLR wont know (its a common test to see if your turbocharger is still working if the car produces not enough boost)). Now if you do this and your turbo is still fine, you will easily run pressures WAY above normal ones. And easily destroy your engine.
The wastegate is to blow off pressure that is too much, produced by the turbo (a turbo doesnt increase pressure "proportional", if you don't blow off pressure at some point it gets a lot more than the engine can handle).
I think this is way offtopic, but some people in here explained the wastegate completely wrong in my opinion.
Anyway, sorry for the offtopic...

But the wastegate opens a way to the escape, this causes less rpm for the turbine and less air presure to the engine.