Server Status
(25 posts, started )
Server Status
about 10 mins ago, i just lsot connection to a server.. tried to get back in says host not found on master server, then said i cant connect to master server:S... is LFS down or is there summin funny going on.
cheers james
my whole internet screwed up then aswell
Going by the graph, I'd guess that Scawen's just deployed an updated revision of the master server or the blueyonder network glitched.
(tristancliffe) DELETED by tristancliffe : Useless
what does that mean:P
Quote from 1James1 :what does that mean:P

To put it more acceptable terms "Teh patch maybe coming!!!111oneoneoneeleven"
#6 - Ast
yeah i think it might be blueyonder , my internet kept cutting me out of lfs...
#7 - Jakg
somethings screwed, -49 racers online!
Attached images
#8 - Jambo

Its down for me aswell, i cannot login to the master server and cannot list the servers. It says that james is still online and he isnt. I think people who didnt lag on and are still on lfs can still play, but people connecting cannot connect?

I think its just a glitch, please reply though

and what about the PubStats?
mates@track says that there are some people online!

ist this the cache, the PubStats Script...?
im on blueyonder ( 4mb ) everything went dead, is it blueyonder or LFS :S
there must be people online... cause i am one of them
dunno, until now i didn´t have any problems, saw a lot of guys losing their connections tho.
im on Blueyonder mines fine:S 8mb

Hes fiddling with something lol, as i just got master server up, then it went down lol

May work in the next 5 mins

#14 - Ast
Woooo its back up for me
#15 - Jakg
If your connected, your OK, but if you try to connect you need to use LFS World, and LFSW is down, so your screwed

Seems to be back though
Quote from robertchapple123 :im on blueyonder ( 4mb ) everything went dead, is it blueyonder or LFS :S

Its been fine over in the south west, so I'm guessing that it was isolated to the other side of the country/network
it might be up, but not all servers are up at the mo
#18 - SamH
Looks like it was *some* parts of the NTL/Telewest network. It affected me in Yorkshire, and it affected the master server in London. It didn't affect everyone on NTL/Telewest, so while it was widespread, it wasn't uniform.
ok thanks sam... it seems to be up and running now.. cheers

well there were problems in germany far as i know
#21 - Ziil
Strange it is not working for me

And another strange thing is that i can't connect to one of my favorite oldschool shooter servers too ( action quake 2 )
My bad!
Sorry all, I dled too much pr0n I crashed teh interwebs.
Quote from spankmeyer :Sorry all, I dled too much pr0n I crashed teh interwebs.

lol... We'z downloadin' pr0nz, Kr4shin' ur interwebz!
bet it hurts now
#25 - SamH
My connection is a bit ass-backwards at the moment. I've got a solid connection to the UKCT server, but almost every request to another server I'm making at the moment is 80% likely not to connect.

I'd expect problems for the next hour or 2.. none of it LFS's fault, all of it NTL/Telewest, and/or rapidswitch, and/or cableinet or some other part of their infrastructure. There are definitely network issues and I expect it's something to do with downgrading Telewest network reliability to bring it into line with NTL.

Server Status
(25 posts, started )