Endurance race for LFS S1 Demo
(32 posts, started )
Endurance race for LFS S1 Demo

BogyodrifterHUN and me (///Spurlie[NL]) where talking about the idea to organize an endurance race for the S1 demo version with the best racers (clean and fast racing) at this moment. Pls tell me if i forgot somebody ...
I started this topic so we can discuss at one place how and wenn we organize this race.

Have fun!! :rally_dri

Time & Date
14 Januari 2007

20.30 (GMT/UTC +1)
19.30 (GMT/UTC -1)
21.30 (GMT/UTC +2)

If you live in a different timezone mentioned above you can look at the microsoft windows clock to see how late the race starts in your country.

Track & Car
Blackwood GP track normal with the Xr Gt Turbo

The satisfaction of taking part and eternal celebrity (;

15 minutes qualification
75 laps race

LFS Endurance
Password will be sent out via PM (so sign up for the live for speed forum and post something in this topic, so I can sent everybody the password!!!!)!!!

How to sign up
Just let us or here know if u wanna join the race and signup for lfs-forum so we can share the password.

Places left:

1. ///Spurlie[NL]
2. BogyodrifterHUN
3. 240$><
4. Linoa
5. R30
6. [E*S]Lukas
7. Kineticreider-DRIFTER.HUN
8. Hardtechno(HUN)
9. [O2] NikoP (aka Lsfn00b)
#2 - LKS
only racers you mentioned ? if so ..you should do a YM! conferrence ..it`s easyer
The drivers i mentioned and the ones i forget...
But can you tell me what a YM conferrence is?
LKS please tell how to make YM conferrence and what is this.....
(More players:Hardtechno(HUN), Linia.....)
Hardtechno(HUN), Linia are added. More suggestions are welcome.
#7 - LKS
@bogyo57 : YM! = yahoo messenger ...there you have an option to make conferrences between many users ...or you can use MSN ...or whatever u`re using

btw ...i asked because i wanted to know if i can join the race ..thnx
Sorry LinOa...My name-memory is not too good...
Sure, 48Hours......
Not a bad idea but is too long for me.I dont have too much time...
But 2 to 4 hours is good.Or 200 lap....Or something
90 laps at BL1R in the XRT can't be beat on demo.
Uhh 48 hours? illepall I don't want to die behind my pc :tombstone

What do u guys think of 75 laps? Is allmost 2 hours racing.

Quote from LKS :
btw ...i asked because i wanted to know if i can join the race ..thnx

You are added too the grid
#12 - LKS
thanx mate ...yeah ...around 75 laps is ok
i hope it will be a no "lost connection" race...
ye ye ye
75 Laps is sounds like good.
#14 - LKS
75 once ...75 twice ...75 SOLD !
allright its 75 laps.

Yeah i know Kineticreider-DRIFTER.HUN, but I didn't was sure if he wanted to join...

Still 3,5 places left on the starting grid!!!
I have add him. Any suggestions for the date and time? I prefer a sunday...
#17 - LKS
this sunday ...before christmans ?
I think that this sunday is very short to inform everybody. Maybe 30 december (is next week)?
You guys mind if i join the race as well?
December 30 is good for me.I think it is the best if we start at night... maybe 20:00 and we need a qualification 15 min.We wait everybody and after the qualification start the race!!!!!!Hmm?
Its good?
or 22:00.....
Sorry for late reaction but I had a very busy week..

Hardtechno(HUN), [O2] NikoP (aka Lsfn00b) and Razvan-R added. 1 place left
This sunday is new years day... My mistake. I have spoken to some guys on lfs and I have set the time and date at:

Time & Date
6 Januari 2007

20.30 (GMT/UTC +1)
19.30 (GMT/UTC -1)
21.30 (GMT/UTC +2)
Yes there are 15 minutes qualification.
Im in.

Edit: Whel this looks like a looooong race, but it's something good for practice the contetration (I hope you understand me). So we dont need to refule. Only drive. Now I need to go make a tyres for 2 hour race

Btw. what times are you guys driving on endurance set? I gess 1:25 isn't problem for me

Is there practice server now,

See ya tomorow
Can you post your skins here, becouse there is no Auto Skin Downloader on demo

Endurance race for LFS S1 Demo
(32 posts, started )