possible to add notepad to pit setup screen ?
Just wondering if it's possible for this to be an add-on to the game -
the ability to have a notepad tied to specific sets, so that perhaps right clicking brings up the text box for editing or reading.

I know this has been suggested in some of the 'improvement' threads, but
I suppose it's not one of the higher priorites ( understandably).

It would be nice to record tweaks, what set a particular set is based on, etc, as well as perhaps some driving tips related to that set up on that particular track.


I too was thinking to prupose it...

I always forget what set I must use, so would be nice can write " Good first split, but loses time in last turn" o similar..
Hit the wrong forum? This is the programmer forum, not Improvement Suggestions. Don't double post tho, some one will move it.
Quote from Dygear :Hit the wrong forum? This is the programmer forum, not Improvement Suggestions. Don't double post tho, some one will move it.

Right, I'm asking if, outside of the Dev's involvement, it is possible for
someone to program or script an app which would add the functionallity to the game. As I said, I don't think it's a high priority for the Dev's.

It just seems a simple thing to add. What I don't know if there is anything about the game which would prohibit it being done.
Quote from Flycantbird :Right, I'm asking if, outside of the Dev's involvement, it is possible for
someone to program or script an app which would add the functionallity to the game. As I said, I don't think it's a high priority for the Dev's.

It just seems a simple thing to add. What I don't know if there is anything about the game which would prohibit it being done.

It is a simple idea, but from my very limited understanding of DirectX it would require nothing less then a hacked dll to be made and / or program the hooks into the DirectX run time environment. Simply, and sadly, it's going to be very messy. Once you get your wish how ever, I do hope that some one will make the FOM overlays .
That's all I really wanted to know.
Spankmeyer, great job. But I tried that and posted it on the screen for the FZR. But then I selected the F08 and it had the same setup notes. In fact, the setup notes displayed no matter what screen I was on. Is that some kind of bug? This needs fixed as where I posted it on the screen, it covers the CD player in all my tintop race cars!!
Damn, nice find! Is it a reproducible bug? My lazy beta testers missed that bug completely.

EDIT: I managed to take a screenshot of the bug. I'll release a new version, but I'm afraid not until S2 final is ready.
Please tell me you found that photo, and not created it??

Come to think of it, that looks like my setup folder.
Buffer overflow!
Ooooo. I've been waiting to try for myself a valuable counter-argurment technique I've observed with increasing frequency - ok, here goes:

I Cant Be Bothered to read these individual post-it notes, I want EVERYTHING NOW.

That went pretty well. I think I'll try some improvisation:

SURE, I could spend 5 minutes looking for a specific post it, but

wow, that was amazing. I feel condescending and superior, and I can't wait to tell my friends.
Boy, there's the Flycantbird that I miss! :wave2: