The online racing simulator
abbreviations of the forum
(51 posts, started )
abbreviations of the forum
hi, on the forum i see alot of abbreviations(got the word from a translator) but the most of them i don't understand... i thought this thread would be usefull to learn em all
heres a list from the ones i got now... please help me with this:

-wtf: what the f***
-lmao: laughting my @$$ off
-rofl: rolling on the floor laughing
-ftw: for the win
-tbh: to be honest
-idk: i don't know
-lol: lauging out loud
-omg: oh my god
-btw: by the way
AFAIK As Far as I Know
AFK Away From Keyboard
AKA Also Know as
ASAP As Soon as Possible
ASL Age, Sex, Location?
B4 Before
BAK Back at Keyboard
BBL Be Back Later
BBS Be Back Soon
BRB Be Right Back
BTDT Been There Done That
BTW By The Way
CFV Call for Votes
CUL See You Later
DYJHIW Don't You Just Hate it When...
EOM End of Message
F2F Face to Face
FAQ Frequently Asked Question
FC Fingers Crossed
FUBAR Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition
FWIW For What It's Worth
FYA For Your Amusement
FYI For Your Information
GA Go Ahead
HH Holding Hands
HHOJ / K Ha Ha, Only Joking / Kidding
HIWTH Hate it When That Happens
GR&D Grinning, Running & Ducking
IAE In Any Event
IANAL I Am Not a Lawyer
IDK I Don't Know
IITYWTMWYBMAD If I Tell You What This Means Will You Buy Me a Drink?
IMCO In My Considered Opinion
IMHO In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO In My Opinion
IOW In Other Words
IRL In Real Life
IYKWIM If You Know What I mean
JAM Just a Minute
JASE Just Another System Error
J/K Just Kidding
KOTC Kiss on the Cheek
L Laugh
L8R Later
LMAO Laughing My @$$ Off
LOL Laugh Out Loud
NNTP Network News Transport Protocol
NRN No Reply Necessary
OBTW Oh, by the Way
OIC Oh, I see
OTOH On The Other Hand
OT Off Topic
PITA Pain In The @$$
PLZ Please
PMFJI Pardon Me for Jumping in
ROFL Rolling on The Floor Laughing
RSN Real Soon Now
RTFN Read The Freaking Manual (or Message)
SITD Still In The Dark
SNAFU Situation Normal, All Fouled Up
SOL $h*t Outta Luck
STFU Shut The Freak Up
SYL See You Later
TANSTAAFL There Ain't No Such Thing as a Free Lunch
TGIF Thank God it's Friday
TIA Thanks in Advance
TIC Tongue in Cheek
TLA Three Letter Acronym
TNX Thanks
TTFN Ta Ta For Now
TTYL Talk to You Later
USB Universal Serial Bus
WB Welcome Back
WRT With Regard to
WTG Way to Go
YMMV Your Mileage May Vary

please help me fill and add more!
#3 - Jakg
ftw - for the win
tbh - to be honest
#5 - Bean0
thanks every1 for the help
it helps me
IIRC is also used quite often, if I recall correctly.
Quote from Shotglass :pardon ?

the shortend word 'wtf' is not listed as what the f*** on the site that was given
IMO=In My Opinion
IMHO=In My Humble Opinion
ROFLOLMFAO= rolling on floor laughing out loud my f**king ass off
your RTFM is broken
Quote from herki :your RTFM is broken

just copied it from the site, dont blame me
I hate these abbrevations!!
Before, i didn't know what LOL means, and it so irritated me when i read it! Now there are like hundreds of these, and i don't understand half of the threads now! I mean c'mon, LOL can pass, so can BRB, but FYEYIEEOWWFGGGHH i mean, jeeezzz so irritating.. People see us(forum users, net junkies) as a complete freaks and nerds(which 90% of you are ) but we could really cut some of these abbrevations.
And i hate that people assume you already know what some abbrevation means, it's like, if you don't know what it is, you are an idiot...
Talk like a normal people...
Quote from Boris Lozac :I hate these abbrevations!!
Before, i didn't know what LOL means, and it so irritated me when i read it! Now there are like hundreds of these, and i don't understand half of the threads now! I mean c'mon, LOL can pass, so can BRB, but FYEYIEEOWWFGGGHH i mean, jeeezzz so irritating.. People see us(forum users, net junkies) as a complete freaks and nerds(which 90% of you are ) but we could really cut some of these abbrevations.
And i hate that people assume you already know what some abbrevation means, it's like, if you don't know what it is, you are an idiot...
Talk like a normal people...

thats why i made this thread, for people like you and me
Quote from kiss me :thats why i made this thread, for people like you and me

But the thing is.. i don't want to know what they mean... I feel nerdy already because i know what LOL means..
why dont i just make up an acronym for ever sentence i type?

pretty much what your doing lol
LMFAO - Laughing My... il shut up now
I wonder why abbreviation is such a long word...

TTIWWOP = This Thread Is Worthless WithOut Pics!
BBIAB = Be Back In A Bit
NAC = Not A Clue
WHFO = When Hell Freezes Over
G2G/GTG = Got To Go
GR = Good Race
GL = Good Luck
BF = Blue Flag
BFN!!!!1111oneeleven = Blue Flag, beginner, please move
NC = Nobody Cares
NTIK = Not That I Know
ROFLMAOWWMP = Rolling On Floor Laughing My Ass Off While Wetting My Pants.
SSDD = Same Sh*t, Different Day
Quote from TagForce :I wonder why abbreviation is such a long word...

ROFLMAOWWMP = Rolling On Floor Laughing My Ass Off While Wetting My Pants.

allrighty then
Quote from Vendetta :why dont i just make up an acronym for ever sentence i type?

pretty much what your doing lol

Quote from jamesrowe :LMFAO - Laughing My... il shut up now

@vendetta: if that is how we need to learn them
@jamesrowe: don't well, acctually do, but there's enough other abbreviaton thingys
Quote from Batterypark :IIRC is also used quite often, if I recall correctly.

lol, i thought u meant: that if u recall correctly, the word is used quite often
EDIT: ffs is that: for f***ing sake?
Quote from kiss me :the shortend word 'wtf' is not listed as what the f*** on the site that was given

it clearly says that their version is the polite form ... i suppose anybody with reasonable english skills can work your what the impolite form would be
i see
i apologize(right word?)

abbreviations of the forum
(51 posts, started )