It would be great to have flag next to name on window. I know name is posible only on Single seat cars, but I would like to see that option and on normal cars. Hit us flag next to name on window like in real world.
Don't let them make it skinable that would be awefull!
They just should make a thing at OPTIONS> PLAYER> where you can select your country , just like on "attachment number 1" (look @ Attached files)
and when you click on it then you will get it like "attachment number 2" (look @ Attacted files) I didn't add all country's on the edited screenshot, but you'll understand
p.s. i don't know if you have to say it like this; Number Plate Country ; Or like this; Country's Number Plate i'm not that good in english sometimes
I reckon this is a pretty good idea but maybe uneeded work, its not exactly neccesary! If it could extract data from LFSWorld about where u are then maybe it'll b easier.
LOL guys, the list is only to show you my idea (how it would look like), i wasn't planning on making a full country list, it's going to take me ages, because i don't know all country names in english and like i said in that post, im not that good in english...
btw: @RudolfR: that BMW Logo has the same colors as your country flag, how interresting