The online racing simulator

Poll : What do you think about the new sounds?

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Definitely an improvement, a step to right direction.
No big difference, some cars are better, some worse.
I prefer the old version, these muffled sounds give me headache!
OMG, I started to like S1 sounds...
Wow, they are better than in real life!
Quote from TagForce :Yes, but when I look at the big picture, then it doesn't actually sound half bad. The stuff you hear in LFS is maybe a fifth of the stuff that you hear in a real car driven at high speeds and near the limit.

I disagree. Decent engine sounds alone add massively to the immersion - I'd suggest they're about 80% of the sound that's important. CSR adds so much to my playing experience, still.
#27 - DeKo
the BF1 is an amazing sound, its just a bit muffled.

any sound improvements are good, building up a good base to get decent sounds. I cant really comment on all of them, i havent actually listened intently to them, its just more of a "hmm thats different, cool" and then forget about it and concentrate on getting that PB. plus i usually listen to music while racing
[just a lfs noob's perspective] I think it is a step in the right direction, but I also feel that a good amount of the cars also lost some of their character thanks to the muffled sounds. I hate to sound like a ricer, but if we could have an option to muffle some of the sounds or not, I think that would be great.
[/noob perspective].
I just played around with the other cars, and i gotta say, that the cars gain more character now, not the other way around. There is really a noticable difference beatween cars.. They were all angry bees before, but now they certainly have that engine character.
The one's i especially liked are LX4, LX6, RA(it is awesome), FXR, FOX, XFR...
I didn't like the XRT and FZ5, especially that whine in the XRT.. it was to electrical and artificial...
BUT, it is a definatelly, and i mean a definatelly step in the right direction!
Quote from Blowtus :I disagree. Decent engine sounds alone add massively to the immersion - I'd suggest they're about 80% of the sound that's important. CSR adds so much to my playing experience, still.

I second that.
Quote from NONo443 :[just a lfs noob's perspective] I think it is a step in the right direction, but I also feel that a good amount of the cars also lost some of their character thanks to the muffled sounds. I hate to sound like a ricer, but if we could have an option to muffle some of the sounds or not, I think that would be great.
[/noob perspective].


Or like said before, remove the muffled sound at all
last time i checked.. my car is much quieter inside than it is outside
Quote from XCNuse :last time i checked.. my car is much quieter inside than it is outside

Strange, so is mine.. Perhaps it's universal
Quote from XCNuse :
last time i checked.. my car is much quieter inside than it is outside

I always have the windows down, so it's actually louder inside my car than it is outside(with the wind noise added in)
#35 - joen
Definitely a good step in the right direction.
Scawen had already said some time ago that the development of the sound engine is very complex and it will take a lot of time to get it where he wants it to be. So what has been done in a relatively short time is quite impressive.
What's most important is that now there's a good base to start improving from.
Most of the cars have really improved imo, for example the FOX and the LX's. The FXR is ok but should be more brutal I think. The same goes for the FZR.
The BF1 lacks the most, but that's probably the most difficult car since it pretty much has the most distinctive sound.
I think the most important thing is trying to make them sound less synthetic.
I didn't like the new sounds at all when they were first introduced in U32 because they all sounded the same, but within a couple of more test patches this has improved big time.
#36 - pie
I think the sounds are too clean. For example, most engine sounds are so loud, the human ear will register it with a distortion-like effect.
Specially sitting in the car would blow your ears and can never have such a nice and clean sound.

I've made a quick F1 engine-sound test using some simple 'soft clipping' wich IMHO sounds way better already.

Judge for yourselves:

This should be easy to implement... you can get the C++ sourcecode for this effect from me!

Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :
Strange, so is mine.. Perhaps it's universal

Nope, mine isn't. But then, I have no insulation whatsoever in my car.
Of course, the sound inside is a much deeper drone, much like LFS has, and completely unlike the sound you hear on the outside.
The BF1 sounds like a vacuum cleaner...
Imo the sounds are not really better compared to the U patch, but different. I guess they are more realistic, but sounding a bit "flat" / without punch.
#40 - oDii
Definately a step in the right direction, and quite enjoyable to drive something that sounds like a boyracer mobile... now to get the sounds to a GTR2 level!

My one complaint would be the turbocharged four bangers that do sound good and like turbocharged fours; except they have somewhat of a boxer signature about them (think Subaru WRX) with the throbbing.
well, after an evening with new patch my opinion has changed a bit. Still I think some cars sound better now (FXR XFR), some worse. I mentioned it in patch V thread - I think they lack of lowmid analogue distortion a bit making it beefie and fiddling with the equalizer would make big difference as engine's sounds are too midtonish.

But there are 2 things that bother me - first I think all the transmission lacks of inertia - it gives a lot of input but imho it is too nervous, there are masses revolving and they cant ract so quickly to every slip on the curb.

Second thing - more important is this is the step in direction of crossroads I think. New gearwhine sounds feel samplish and so the overall sound - so it is either way of getting all synthesized (hoping to have great feedback not compromising quality) or go in sample direction (having rich sound in some frequencies but feeling sooo plastic in not the proper ones).

It is not Svewen's idea to have open source sounds so everybody could download hiquality sounds like hires textures, I think (in spite of Eric's job on lows, which is truly demanding, is ireally impressive). And most of us here want to have LFS as good as possible out of the box certainly. Maybe it is an idea to invite/contract a sound specialist?:duck:
I think most of the cars sound better, but the BF1 is just terrible, it sounds so weak and pathetic its unbelievable. Just listen to the clip comparing the BF1, and a clip from the Alonso in helmet cam on you tube. I also want to point out that in the real life clip, there is less volume difference between when the car is accelerating and when its not, in LFS the car volume goes really quite when you are braking and the gear shift sounds seem totally wrong.
Attached files
F1 sound comparison.mp3 - 1.2 MB - 482 views
No big difference, some cars are better, some worse. - +1

There is an improvement but just to compare the sounds from LFS to other "sims" I downloaded a demo of GPL and borrowed a copy of GTR 2.
Then I must say: devs, great work and keep going but please, keep working on the sound... this job isn't done and can not be removed from the checklist!

I don't know much of all that technical stuff, which was in the test patchforum even stranger to me then Latin (as mather of speaking) but I do hear a difference between LFS and (for example) GTR. I much more prefer LFS, I think everyone can second that I'm a hardcore LFS player trying to promote it as much as I can with friends, ... but something is still missing in the sounds. Use a (e.g) a 5.1 soundblaster system with several boxes, extra subwoofer and set the volume on a "very reasonable" level, or just try a small headphone: I think nobody here can say in complete honesty that the sound you hear is realistic and worthy enough for LFS.

Don't want to spoil the Xmas fun or the release of Patch V, which is very good work (all those fixes!) but as I said: don't remove the sound from the checklist: it is one of the main elements which makes a sim realistic, and we need (more) improvement on that in LFS.
#44 - joen
Don't worry about the sounds staying like this forever. The sounds are final for Patch V but they're not finished.
I like them all very much except the Sauber Engine.
All we need now is Load-based gear whine, and Induction noise. thanks Scavier
Why does the best game have the worst.... (FOUR EYES JOKE SHOP) DELETED by Victor : user request
Quote from Blowtus :I disagree. Decent engine sounds alone add massively to the immersion - I'd suggest they're about 80% of the sound that's important. CSR adds so much to my playing experience, still.

If sound is 80% - Then do this little test.

Blindfold yourself, and take the car around So Classic, for three laps

Then you come back, and telle us the new percentage
4eyeJoe, that vette's engine sounded real to you because you're using a button instead of an axis for the gas pedal.
Quote from pie :I think the sounds are too clean. For example, most engine sounds are so loud, the human ear will register it with a distortion-like effect.
Specially sitting in the car would blow your ears and can never have such a nice and clean sound.

I've made a quick F1 engine-sound test using some simple 'soft clipping' wich IMHO sounds way better already.

Judge for yourselves:

This should be easy to implement... you can get the C++ sourcecode for this effect from me!


I totally agree, had the same suggestion before patch V but felt like I was being ridiculed because of making that suggestion...

That processed sample actually sounds a bit like the real deal.

I had some opinions from people who mostly play RF. They were negative, things like: 'sounds like you're driving with 2 tin cans on your ears' 'F1 sounds like a vacuum cleaner'.

I've allways been supportive of LFS, its still the best racing sim, but this sound issue is really getting to me.
Quote from GianniC :
Don't want to spoil the Xmas fun or the release of Patch V, which is very good work (all those fixes!) but as I said: don't remove the sound from the checklist: it is one of the main elements which makes a sim realistic, and we need (more) improvement on that in LFS.

How many people, know the sounds the racers really hears, wearing a helmet, inside a racecar !?

I know how it sounds from the outside, when cars is passing the crowd.
Do you know how it should sound, inside a racecar Gianni C ??