The online racing simulator

Poll : What do you think about the new sounds?

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Definitely an improvement, a step to right direction.
No big difference, some cars are better, some worse.
I prefer the old version, these muffled sounds give me headache!
OMG, I started to like S1 sounds...
Wow, they are better than in real life!
#76 - axus
Quote from RichardTowler :I think the mechincal side behind the sound update is promising, and some of the cars are slightly improved (the porsche) but I cannot understand how anyone in there right mind would release the BF1 sounding as it does, unless they are deaf of course.

Yeah, I found it fairly terrible too. I'm actually running the U35 .eng file for it as I find it a liiiiittle bit better but still not quite acceptable. I've attached that as well as a backup of the V .eng. I'm fairly sure that once Scawen has had his break he's going to continue in making all the cars sound as good as the Raceabout before continuing with other incompatible work. (Disclaimer: Don't take my words for fact. I'm just guessing. Doing so may have adverse effects on your health.) Leaving us with these slightly half baked sounds for a few months won't be that nice. I do find the new sounds much much much more informative though - they used to go flat on high revs before and the engine sound settled to a drone. The extra information, even in the fairly annoying sounding (IMO) LX4 (sadly my favourite car too... :shrug played a good part in me coping with wind much better in a league race earlier today. I could actually hear whether I had tail wind or head wind in the engine sound, so I also agree on the remark on these sounds showing promise for the future.
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all the GTR cars are not loud and powerfull-sounding
Quote from anbiddulph :all the GTR cars are not loud

turning up the volume a notch or so for me solves that problem
no joke lol
^ Yes, but in real life if an F1 car drives past you, thats the only thing you can hear, even when you try and speak nothing comes out 'cos its so loud. I bet in LFS you can still hear the road cars clearly even with a GTR car or the F1 sitting next to it revving like crazy ...
#80 - axus
Quote from VALE 46 :^ Yes, but in real life if an F1 car drives past you, thats the only thing you can hear, even when you try and speak nothing comes out 'cos its so loud. I bet in LFS you can still hear the road cars clearly even with a GTR car or the F1 sitting next to it revving like crazy ...

Yeah, but do you really want to adjust your volume every time you race? Because, obviously you want to be immersed etc. so you'll run LFS louder than anything around you, and that way you'll go deaf every time a BF1 drives past while you drive something else. Its a computer simulation flaw, and LFS probably has the best solution to the problem at the moment.
Apart from muffled sounds, ESPECIALLY tyre scrubbing sounds, everything else is very well done!!!

Please make the sounds more clear, like in patch U. Thanks!
I haven't played LFS for about six months now but was curious about what had been done to the sounds with the new patch. At first I was like 'wow, I can really see why a lot of people have always hated the sounds' but I think the LFS sounds always grow on me because they are informative in a way that samples can never be.
I think the road cars have had the most improvement and sound the most realistic at this point. The in-car muffling is as it should be and it seems as if the exhaust has had a bit of a tweak. The different road cars sound more unique now and closer to what the different configurations produce in the real world. Contrary to most people it seems I quite like the LX4 and the FOX, they remind me a lot of high revving four bangers with a big exhaust.
There are some times when the sounds are very convincing to me but others when it really does sound bad and like old 80's arcade games as some have mentioned. Every now and then watching the BF1 lap around City Town from the track cameras it would sound remarkably like the real thing due to the right combination of revs, echo etc. where other times it would almost sound laughable. This at least says to me that things are on the right track and with all the factors in the right place the synthesised engine can produce realistic sound.

All up I'd say a definate improvement and I look forward to more improvement in this area. I think atm it's still the most major area in need of improvement to raise the standard of LFS as a whole.

btw, imo anyone expecting a revolution in the sound engine just because the main page says 'sound improvements' obviously knows very little about LFS, it's sound engine and it's development.
patch v, i expected more than what it consists of (maybe cuz i had every testpatch, and every lil step since u)

i expected sum new graphics, more content, maybe a new car lol, like that Q -> S/T/U so what, maybe next time

i dont understand moaning bout the patch v sounds...

we saw a birth, the birth of the new sound sys. every born thing has to start living, has to grow and gettin older it learns to crouch, then to walk, ... one day it will be grown up and we are able to be with it all the time.

i personally liked f.ex. rac sound in q more than in v, but do i really? i maybe just like the roughness of q/u but v has more details. i first also moaned bout the sounds, but they are better than first feeling gives ya.

lets celeb xmas with our friends and family, n-joy autoupdater (wow lol sum more polygons per car or just driver/helmet would have make me happier) and the birth of the new soundsystem days will pass, patches will come, and we have the power to determine how the sounds will sound like in next patches

anyway, its all folks, merry xmas to all of you and a happy new year... cya
Why are people saying this is a 'new' sound system? I don't recall seeing that mentioned anywhere from Scawen?? Isn't it just the old one with a few bits added / modified?
#85 - JTbo
Quote from Blowtus :Why are people saying this is a 'new' sound system? I don't recall seeing that mentioned anywhere from Scawen?? Isn't it just the old one with a few bits added / modified?

It can be ofcourse that you are not 'in', ie. you have been left outside from good stuff, fresh news and better people
Rfactor: Sounds better
NFS (anything after 2): Sounds better
Netkar Namie: Sounds better
Netkar Pro: sounds better
Gran Turismo (1-4) sounds better.
some sounds in the good direction Other, like the BF1, are TERRIBLE !!!!!

My lawnmoyer makes a nicer sound !!!! It is like driving with model plane ..SOUND is REALLY BAD !!!!
for the rest of the patch .. Nice improvement..
To bad rewind is still noty an option in the replays

greetings Hanzi
C'mon guys, this is not the concert yet, it's just the band tuning their instruments
(i want to say that we'll get better sounds, just be patient x)
lol, nice analogy. The sounds are DEFINATELY a step in the right direction. A lot deeper and have a lot more "grunt" The gearbox whine is great, but some engines aren't quite there (F1 car). But I have every faith that it'll be sorted
#90 - axus
Nah, they're still busy making their instruments.
but do the FXO,RB4 and the XRT have to sound alike? ...FXO had that nice rumble when shifting into second after peeling out from first....i mean the BF1 and the LX6 sound a lot better...but ill miss that FXO

P.S where is the dumpvalve sound?
sounds are ok, tho the old lx6 sound just rocked. I noticed one thing that all the sounds are not agressive enough.
A big improvement from the old patch, but I find that the Engine sounds drown everything else out, I'm running everything on minimum volume and the Engine sounds are way too loud.
the bf1 gear change is nice but the engine sound needs to be much rougher, the v8's are not harmonic at all, they just roar.
Steep in the right direction but the muffled sounds give me a freaking headache. Just because in real life it is quieter inside of a car does not mean the inside of a car there is a pocket of the universe where no treble can exist. The sounds are not good enough to try to mimic reality where the inside of a car is more muffled than the outside of the car.. they just sound muffled and it is tiresome trying to make out the tire scrubbing and all the other high pitched noises that are canceled out by the overwhelmingly loud mid-bass peak that still exists even after U35 (the version that was the absolute worse of the test patches).. U36 sounds and beyond are better, but still have major flaws.

Overall it is getting better, you can especially hear that when you set your view to just barely OUTSIDE the car.. but sadly only chase view drivers will get to hear the good sounds. The rest of us who use the proper cockpit view are forced to listen to hugely sub-par sounds where almost all the treble is muffled out of the overall sounds.

I can see huge potential in these new sounds though, I just hope the end user is given more control to tune the sounds to match their own hearing/ speakers/sound subsystem in their PC. As it is LFS is still actually painful to listen to for any amount of time when driving in the cockpit view.
Quote from Dethred :Rfactor: Sounds better
NFS (anything after 2): Sounds better
Netkar Namie: Sounds better
Netkar Pro: sounds better
Gran Turismo (1-4) sounds better.

LFS with CSR: sounds better
I saw somebody suggest an equalizer, so everyone could adjust the sound the way the feel.

I think this is a good idea.

Maby there could be a little more to this "sound editor" than an EQ, so one could adjust the ecco, and so on

I know I allready can do that, by "tuning" my soundcard, but then you have to shot it off, if you want to listen to music

And I Didn`t know, that the sound was "without helmet" - I read it here, som place, and believed it So if the sound is no helmet, i miss some treble in the sound
#98 - CSU1
I dunno if someone has mentioned how the FO8 sounds..Lmao!1! When I was is the track editor earlyer today someone connected and began to drive fo8 around, and from a distance it sounds like some kind of hyped up gremlin laughing his ass off going 150 mph! lol it's fu**ing funny sound, a bit like the real know the funny giggle sound that you hear sometimes on the 'suped' up road cars..v funny sound
I love the hiss and pop when you hit the rev limiters... definately a cool detail.
Its a small step towards fire breathing beasts popping and crackling while shifting down for turn 1 at Aston Club with squeeling brakes and clunking gears. Compared to the previous sounds this is a step in the right direction, the next objective should be to make the engines scream rather than sing.