The online racing simulator
a Congratulations to the Devs.
(37 posts, started )
Quote from ayrton senna 87 :i think the winners of the event on sat can buy the devs the drinks!!!

i always said i would buy the devs a drink for such a great game, i never thought that theres a slight possibility that it could actually happen!

That'll teach ya!!!
What, another of the these threads? :geezer: Well since the rest were on RSC I suppose we can let the official forums have one too.

Just kidding. I'm sure the devs appreciate them all.
Can't say much more than whats already been said

LFS is a disease I haven't touched another game since the S2 demo days :o Still got HL2 to start

#29 - joen
Damn You
Damn you LFS devs for taking away my sleep!
Seriously, great work on the game, it's so addictive
lol i wonder.. as much as everyone says they're gonna get them a beer.. i wonder if they've actually ever gotten a bear through mail lol
Quote from XCNuse :lol i wonder.. as much as everyone says they're gonna get them a beer.. i wonder if they've actually ever gotten a bear through mail lol

Some of them now HAVE to if they are going to northampton.. I have thought it. but never said it. so i am safe. and so is my pocket (is that a poem? AAARRRRGGGHH!!!!)
We should have a seperate section for people to just kiss up to lfs dev crew.
Its mainly all been said here in this thread, but I would like to add LFS has 100% taken up my life. The people I have met, the team that accepted me and the people who have become my friends within it.

Thank you to the Devs for LFS and thanks for your personal commitment to LFS and to the community. Its always nice and amazing to be honest, to find a developer so close to a game, and always active within the community forums and websites.

Cheers Guys.
[I have no house and no money, but ill buy you lot a drink anyway]
We're not worthy!! We're not worthy!!!! *bows to the masters*
Thanks for the best car simulation i ever played ! When you fix the physic problem with the barricades in the custom layouts i whould be the happy men on earth
Great job at all and a great community !!!!
Quote from XCNuse :lol i wonder.. as much as everyone says they're gonna get them a beer.. i wonder if they've actually ever gotten a bear through mail lol

I somehow doubt that Scawen would be very happy if he got a bear in the mail, it would be kind of hard to store, and certianly a distraction from programming/kitchen work.
I bought the devs drinks in real life

a Congratulations to the Devs.
(37 posts, started )