problem with patch v [needs unlocking][SOLVED]
So I tried installing patch V... when I did it, it worked and when I ran the game I found that the licensse was downgraded to "demo". Fortunately I copied all of the files beforehand just in case so I still have version U working properly with my S2 license.

why is it downgrading me to Demo when I try to install V?

All I did was copy the .exe into the LFS directory and unzipped it there, and replaced all files that had to be replaced... then ran the game. Note that my computer was not hooked up to the internet for the install, if that matters wrt to the license.

Just unlock it again...
Quote from spsamsp :Just unlock it again...

No-no that cant be so simple. I think you need a hex editor and some programming skills...

Just kidding.
#4 - herki
Quote from dark_vandal :So I tried installing patch V... when I did it, it worked and when I ran the game I found that the licensse was downgraded to "demo". Fortunately I copied all of the files beforehand just in case so I still have version U working properly with my S2 license.

why is it downgrading me to Demo when I try to install V?

All I did was copy the .exe into the LFS directory and unzipped it there, and replaced all files that had to be replaced... then ran the game. Note that my computer was not hooked up to the internet for the install, if that matters wrt to the license.


do a search, open your eyes, whatever - this has been brought up quite often recently: there was a change in the unlocking system (probably because of vista compatibility), so you need to unlock again. if you had less than 2 unlocks, you have gotten new ones.
ok well just was checking... didnt just want to foolishly use up all my unlocks for no reason.
#6 - Davo
Better to ask now than to wonder why you can;t unlock. Really getting sick of 'how do get more unlocks' threads.
yeah. well i was mostly concerned, because i literally just got LFS less than a week ago. I guess it was something in the version "v" release that makes you re-unlock it then?

I just don't want to use them all just for updates... I only get 2 or 3 total for the entire lifetime of my license, right? Or do I still get a free one every month irregardless of how many i have?
#8 - Davo
Yep some new licence system in patch v so an unlock was ncnessary,

You get 1 every month upto a total of 2. So you can use 2 in one month and get 1 more the following month. Now that you've used an unlock and have 1 left you'll be given one unlock at the sart of Jan and have 2 again.

irregardless, reminds me of the previous american dad ep lol
Quote from dark_vandal :I just don't want to use them all just for updates... I only get 2 or 3 total for the entire lifetime of my license, right? Or do I still get a free one every month irregardless of how many i have?

You get an extra 1 every month, to a maximum limit of 2.

You start off with 3.

In some circumstances, such as test releases, or if the team are feeling particularly nice, you'd get an additional one if you ask.
cool, thanks for the positive feedback guys, and for helping a noob out
Quote from dark_vandal :cool, thanks for the positive feedback guys, and for helping a noob out

Well, if we wouldnt've helped, we probably would've beaten you up along with the rest of the noobs Have a good Christmas and New Year!
Well I would unlock it again if I could remember my password, now what????? illepall illepall illepall illepall
Sometimes I scare myself, I figured it out all by my lonesome
#13 - JTbo
Quote from PJWON63 :Well I would unlock it again if I could remember my password, now what????? illepall illepall illepall illepall
Sometimes I scare myself, I figured it out all by my lonesome

You just log in to page, go to account details and change your password. If you have forgotten your login details to that page then go to and you get password to your e-mail, if you have forgotten your e-mail, then you really need to start to be more careful
Quote from spsamsp :Well, if we wouldnt've helped, we probably would've beaten you up along with the rest of the noobs Have a good Christmas and New Year!

lol thanks, you too!
i have a problem with the v patch aswell since i updated to v i have to unlock it each time i start the game, and i only have 1 unlock left so... i dont know what can cause this, the game looses my unlock? why? and how?,

hugs n kizzes // McTw1st illepall
Are your data or data\misc directories read only?
Do you hibernate your PC?
Quote from the_angry_angel :Are your data or data\misc directories read only?
Do you hibernate your PC?

none of the above, it just looses it and its makin me realy sad cuz i just spent my last unlock on it and if it does it again i will have to wait 3 days :'( hehe il try and lock every file in the lfs folder and unlock them again (read only) and see if that helps if not im clue less,
so I am trying to unlock my version V (finally). When I go to unlock it, it says "connecting to master server" and just sits there. I also can't view any of the demo games that are present on line. I'm thinking maybe their server is down?

I was able to connect to the master server no problem last time... this time around though, so many issues.

really starting to frustrate me. My computer isn't ever online, and just had to switch around all the IP addresses to hook it up, now that it's hooked up, the LFS server doesn't work... damn.
^^^ nevermind, it was a firewall issue.

Sometimes i hate computers.
Quote from McTw1st :none of the above, it just looses it and its makin me realy sad cuz i just spent my last unlock on it and if it does it again i will have to wait 3 days :'( hehe il try and lock every file in the lfs folder and unlock them again (read only) and see if that helps if not im clue less,

TBH, in your case I'd suggest taking a backup of your data\settings and possibly your data\skins directories, and then deleting the current main LFS directory, then re-extracting, and copying the backups back over. It sounds like a permissions issue tbh, but who knows.

Quote from dark_vandal :Sometimes i hate computers.

Computers will generally only do what you ask them to
Quote from the_angry_angel :TBH, in your case I'd suggest taking a backup of your data\settings and possibly your data\skins directories, and then deleting the current main LFS directory, then re-extracting, and copying the backups back over. It sounds like a permissions issue tbh, but who knows.

Computers will generally only do what you ask them to

well it just hapend it locked it self again.... and now im out of unlocks.... allrite il try to "reinstall" the game, lets hope it works, have a good new years eve everyone