Mercury gets a new website for 2007
(8 posts, started )
Mercury gets a new website for 2007
With 2006 coming to an end and the old site getting a bit old P.Chapman (Paulc2k to most) decided to make a new website for Mercury in 2007. With 6 days left of the new year Paulie was so pleased with the new site and the speed he finished it he decided to launch it early then expected so pop by and say hello on the forum.

Happy Christmas and happy new year from Mercury
Nice website boys

the track info section looks good too
Cool website
Really like it !

w00t good job boys
Team History:
"This is the default about us message which you can edit in the Messages area of the admin panel

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ..."
What a lovely history :bump:
Well, i see that webmaster used ready template or...hmm
Anyway first website was the best!
Woah, i like iteh , Grats!
oooh, its teh r0x0rz
Quote from BlackMan :Team History:
"This is the default about us message which you can edit in the Messages area of the admin panel

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ..."
What a lovely history :bump:
Well, i see that webmaster used ready template or...hmm
Anyway first website was the best!

Either that or the webmaster built it himself and asked his fellow teammates if they'd be so kind as to do the rest

It was launched at 11:30pm last night, updated a little at 4am, updated and tried to look into an issue for one member logging in at 11am and i had to go out at 11:15am, so sadly i didnt have chance to do the 'coming soon' which i asked Viper to do but apparently he opted not to. I got through the door 5-10min ago and im now looking into the login issue again if st0rm is online to see if we can figure out whats stopping him whene everyone has managed fine.

As i say, whole site put together by myself over the last month updating most of the stuff i've done in the last few years for the teams site, and further proof of this will be available sometime early January
hmm, seems the reason the History wasnt updated is because having had to reboot my computer twice when i was rushing to go out the door i'd quickly told viper where he needed to go to change it and told him it was under 'History' when it was actually refered to as 'About Us' i just hadnt re-labeled what the message name was called that the page was to use as previous websites had needed an 'about us' page where i figured that would be more appropriate for somewhere to put a little history. Confused me when i went in to change it myself!! had to check the code to see if it was html'd into the page hehe

Login issue fixed about 10min ago, 'Coming Soon' added moments ago :P

Mercury gets a new website for 2007
(8 posts, started )