I guess there's 2 sides to the coin (ignoring that I personally do a lot of freeware / open-source stuff and prefer to work that way).
Atm, LFS is deserving of the alpha tag. God only knows when it might move into beta status, I've given up hope of a final release within the next 3 years.. so, on the plus side, it's a flexible demo and does allow for a lot of enjoyment (timescale wise). OTOS, I wouldn't buy a copy of Borland's C++ IDE for example at even beta stage, I'd wait for the full release.
All in all, as things stand currently, I think the demo is fine, but if it was myself, I'd probably look at changing it if / when a final release was born.
What I don't really get is how other players can get in such a hoohar about it.. it's not like veteran demo players are taking food off of our tables.. and very much leads to points I've made in the past, that too many people on this forum think that Scawen is their father when really, 99% of people here don't know him from Adam. I also wonder what the percentage is of people who have paid for LFS and are absolute zealots about it, and have cracked other software on their boxes.. my guess is it would be pretty high going by todays trends, which would make a lot of said people pretty hypocritical
While the community is kinda close to the dev process here (moreso than the likes of EA for example).. LFS isn't our game, why should we really sweat blood about it like it would appear some do (just general thoughts, not pointing fingers at anyone in particular
