During hotlapping I used to save certain type of relplays manually, additionally to the actual hotlaps which I've always saved by pressing "1" on my keyboard. When I save these special replays for the first time: I press "2" on my keyboard then type the name and with [CTRL]+[C] I copy the name to clipboard. The next time, I just press "2" and [CTRL]+[V] and then [ENTER] and LFS adds "_2" and "_3" ... after the name. If I want to act like this in patch V, LFS asks me if I want to overwrite the existing file
*. The LFS's side of automatic replay saving in hotlaps and .mpr files still works [LFS adds "_2+n" (while n=0,1,2...) to the filenames that otherwise would be the same].
*While typing this post, I double checked this. I named the first replay
testing1. While trying to save another file with the same name LFS asked me "Overwrite the existing file?" I said yes, but the old file didn't get overwritten, instead new file was named
testing1_2 as it was with previous patches. First I thought another feature got taken away from LFS, but now I'm not sure anymore
