The online racing simulator
am i the only american?
(91 posts, started )
#51 - JTbo
Word from behalf of finnish people, we are reason why you have to carry those phones in your pocket , clever or what, huh?
Quote from XCNuse :i always thought germany and japan were the smartest places? (contain the smartest people) With that statement, you have now aligned yourself with amcrambler. Now, our culture seems to be dumbing down over the past 30 years, and that can be attributed to Dr. Spock, the liberal media, liberals in general, and television.
well i know the young.. and some older generations here are .. pretty dumb

must i say.. jessica simpson?

im not saying we dont have brilliant people, we do; but most of the leading technology nowadays, and even way back when came from germany and now japan is comming in (and china with japan too i guess)

heck.. screw this, we all came from man, man is genious in this world therefore we are all smart.. in our own special way
#54 - JTbo
Quote from jayhawk With that statement, you have now aligned yourself with amcrambler. Now, our culture seems to be dumbing down over the past 30 years, and that can be attributed to Dr. Spock, the liberal media, liberals in general, and television.

I would blaim over wealthy surroundings, there is too much everything and you can get it too easily, people don't need to think anymore, also laws are made so that you get most benefit from them if you don't think.

Getting older is dangerous btw, danger of becoming cynical lies all around us
#55 - JTbo
Quote from XCNuse :well i know the young.. and some older generations here are .. pretty dumb

must i say.. jessica simpson?

im not saying we dont have brilliant people, we do; but most of the leading technology nowadays, and even way back when came from germany and now japan is comming in (and china with japan too i guess)

heck.. screw this, we all came from man, man is genious in this world therefore we are all smart.. in our own special way

I think that clever thing with americans has been ability to source people that can do the job, then organize business without knowing themself how to do anything else. That is skill among others and it is not stupidity, imo.

Maybe other countries there is people that are capable of doing some work, but they are not as good making something out from it. I don't know what it is, maybe it comes from mother's milk or it is something about cultural differencies, but certainly there is something different.
Quote from XCNuse :well i know the young.. and some older generations here are .. pretty dumb

must i say.. jessica simpson?

See, this is what I am trying to say! Dont accept this celebrity garbage in your life. Ignore it, dont acnowledge it, turn off your TV (or watch public TV), read a novel, watch a Kurosawa movie and then write an essay on it, listen to Mozart or Miles Davis, go to Wikipedia and read about the French Revolution, for goodness sake! These retarded "celebritys" feed off your interest, ignore them and they go away. They are nothing more than whores on a street. Life is too short, and FAR too interesting to piss it away watching television, passively, and actually feigning interest with people eho only want your money and attention.
Quote from jayhawk :See, this is what I am trying to say! Dont accept this celebrity garbage in your life. Ignore it, dont acnowledge it, turn off your TV (or watch public TV), read a novel, watch a Kurosawa movie and then write an essay on it, listen to Mozart or Miles Davis, go to Wikipedia and read about the French Revolution, for goodness sake! These retarded "celebritys" feed off your interest, ignore them and they go away. They are nothing more than whores on a street. Life is too short, and FAR too interesting to piss it away watching television, passively, and actually feigning interest with people eho only want your money and attention.

most sense ive heard online in a long time.

but we just waste our time playing computer games
#58 - JTbo
Quote from mrbogeyman : most sense ive heard online in a long time.

but we just waste our time playing computer games

Yep, well some of us are known to be building cars and go occasionally to some trackdays too, but mostly looking this magic panel that is front of eyes, typing senseless answers and wasting life, that is how it has ended up
Quote from jayhawk :See, this is what I am trying to say! Dont accept this celebrity garbage in your life.

i dont, shes just a classic example of american stupidity

hell i barely know any actors!
im always like.. 'who?.. what?.. one more time? ... no.. no i dont know who that is..'
YES there are very intelligent americans!!! (because your mainly british )(TV makes yanks look stupid lol ), again very intelligent germans etc
#61 - Gunn
I'm still reeling at the news that there slow Finns. :snail:
#62 - JTbo
Quote from Gunn :I'm still reeling at the news that there slow Finns. :snail:

I'm one of them
What you see on telly is stupid Americans, cos it's funny and people will laugh at it. It takes intelligent people to look down on the stupidity and laugh at it. Therefor, more Americans are intelligent than stupid.

Sure, there were some brilliant Americans in past times, but only cos they weren't too far from their European predecessors. Current Americans seem to be rather pathetic, on the whole. Too busy with law suits and eating, to do anything truly worthwhile. Maybe being mostly English descent causes me to be more critial of America, but I think the future for us looks bleak.
#64 - JTbo
Quote from SHIFT_ :What you see on telly is stupid Americans, cos it's funny and people will laugh at it. It takes intelligent people to look down on the stupidity and laugh at it. Therefor, more Americans are intelligent than stupid.

Sure, there were some brilliant Americans in past times, but only cos they weren't too far from their European predecessors. Current Americans seem to be rather pathetic, on the whole. Too busy with law suits and eating, to do anything truly worthwhile. Maybe being mostly English descent causes me to be more critial of America, but I think the future for us looks bleak.

Don't worry, it looks same in other countries too and it did look that way at time when your grandfather were young, similar to this 'kids today are lazy and stupid', it is something funny how we look world around us, well I think it is that
Why does everybody hate on us? The streets are paved with gold here and hundred dollar bills grow in my backyard, it's sweet..
But you haven't realised that the goal in this life can't be to be the richest man on the graveyard...

PS: Don't listen to me... swiss are dumb and slow... and boring... and... :P
I'm Finish, Norwegian, German, and English. But since i was born and raised in the US, i'm American. Well, if i'm overseas, i tell people i'm Canadian to avoid hearing yet another bad Bush joke.

I disagree with Shift_, most Americans are morons. Why do you think we have to put "this is not a toy" on all plastic bags.
Quote from c0nv1ct :I disagree with Shift_, most Americans are morons. Why do you think we have to put "this is not a toy" on all plastic bags.

Same reason all cups of hot coffee must have "caution: contents are hot" on them.

All you have to do is go out and drive in the snow to see how much the majority of Americans are idiots. They seem to have no brain function whatsoever (they meaning other Americans, not me, hehe )

Here's a funny story about 2 overpaid folks at my work, 1 engineer and 1 salesman. We make foam plastic bead, much like styrofoam, but made from polypropylene. We have giant bulk storage bags that we, er, store it in. I work for the engineering group, but I'm not a degreed engineer. I'm the grunt, LOL. Anyways, I was working on something else, so these 2 guys needed to get some material. We generally drain some into a large tote and take it where we are working. They couldn't get the tote near the storage bag, so they used a garbage can. They made about 30 trips, tripping over pipes, ducking under other storage bags, etc, with the garbage can to fill up the tote. Later, I took over the job. I needed more material, so I headed under the storage. I choose not to carry 30 trips of gargage cans, so I just moved the 20 pound box of material that was blocking the access to what I wanted to get. So simple, it was only 20 pounds and I only had to move it 3 feet. Pulled my tote right up to the bag and filled it up. illepall

That's half the problem in the US. They scale pay by how much you spent on schooling, rather than how much brains you have or how much work you do. You could be the dumbest person in the world, but if your parents could pay $100,000 for schooling for you, then you will make the money. While folks who have a bit of brainpower and common sense, but couldn't afford school, get left in the dust.
Quote from c0nv1ct :I'm Finish, Norwegian, German, and English. But since i was born and raised in the US, i'm American. Well, if i'm overseas, i tell people i'm Canadian to avoid hearing yet another bad Bush joke.

I disagree with Shift_, most Americans are morons. Why do you think we have to put "this is not a toy" on all plastic bags.

Can't you see my post was meant as tongue-in-cheek humour? It's the bleeding obvious that most Americans are completely idiotic. American society on the whole, is rubbish.
All Americans think about is food AND BIG IS BEST! (thats why a lot of them are big :razz - Got to be rather dumb to be like that? hehehe
#71 - JTbo
Lol, all americans here are saying americans are stupid
no, just saying there are some pretty dumb ones, which its true for everywhere you go, so really.. we are all equal in dumbess and have our few rare brilliant people

as for james; not all of us are big; actually rarely do you come across someone that is truely big, and the majority of the time they are big because of a gene that runes through the family, therefore they are all big
#73 - JTbo
Quote from XCNuse :no, just saying there are some pretty dumb ones, which its true for everywhere you go, so really.. we are all equal in dumbess and have our few rare brilliant people

as for james; not all of us are big; actually rarely do you come across someone that is truely big, and the majority of the time they are big because of a gene that runes through the family, therefore they are all big

We do have lot of dump people here too, so called mr & mrs averages.
You can read from newspaper everytime when snow comes how slippery road caused accidents, what about driver, just sitting there driving 10m away from next car driving what speed limit tolds him to drive and same thing happens every year, often more than once in a year.

As I worked for computer repairing/installing/planning and technical support I did visit in many companies, it was rare case when there was single person in company that understood what is difference between folder and file, usually there was none and they did use computers everyday, we have everything on computers here actually so everyone have to know how to use it.
Quote from XCNuse :
as for james; not all of us are big; actually rarely do you come across someone that is truely big, and the majority of the time they are big because of a gene that runes through the family, therefore they are all big

I dont agree with you at all! To be big as in fat (how i ment it as i said food), then it is not in you're genes to become fat is it? it is due to the person eatting to much
no, it can run through a family
plus, fat doesn't make a person fat, fat is energy which is to be burned off, if it isn't then it becomes fat with some other name which i can't remember, which over extensive periods that may make you fat, but that rarely causes people to be big; i really can't say that the US has that many fat people, the way you put it makes it sound like every other person is, when thats not true; we have TONS of people that are fit, look at lance armstrong? winner of the tour de france 7 years in a row, and had cancer; and hes just one example, there really aren't that many big people, you really have to search to find them

keep in mind, being fat is being fat, being obese is a genetical problem that runs through families; and i believe you are reffering to obesity

am i the only american?
(91 posts, started )