You know allot people seem to have all these wrong images of Americans.
I think a big problem with that is they try to squeeze us into a setting that is similar to their own. Like People from Finland might think of us as all one group of people like what they are over there. Here in the US we may be one nation indivisible, but we vary greatly by what part of the country we live in. Plus, as a nation we are highly individualistic (socially progressive politics will always be alien to us). And yeah we have gotten fat
We had the unfortunate coincidence of the computer revolution and the invention of the Mega meal hit us at the exact same time.
The Euro types out there don't know about what really goes on here though,
They are limited to what they hear, read or watch on TV. Some criticize us on Bush's foreign policy and Iraq. When actually that's so yesterday for us. It seems more Americans are worried about Illegal immigration and health care subsidies than car bombs and jihads. I know I am.
LOL I don't wanna even get started about what I think our public education
has turned into
As far as our politicts goes...
I think Jayhawk said something about liberals messing up our country.
LOL The "American" liberal is not the same as his forward thinking, socially progressive counterpart in Europe. Oh no. An "American" liberal is a short sighted
intellectual wannabe that secretly wishes to convince the French that we actually do have culture around here. They are all for freedom of Speech as long as words like God or Individual Empowerment aren't used.
Then you got the conservatives. Yep these people truly believe in good wholesome American values. And for the right price, they'll happily continue to take the moral high ground. They are the most wholesome people you could ever meet. Don't believe me? ask one they'll tell you
And Finally, we have Moderates. These guys are like assitant managers at a grocery store - they'd really like to help you, but they can't.
So for the most part, we Americans realize these people are idiots and ignore them. LOL Bush ain't our president, he's yours. And if you think that sucks, well wait til Hillary becomes President again.
Uh I forgot the guys name... sorry ...he was from Canada and he hit the nail on the head with something he posted. About the rest of the world making fun of us cause we're getting a
little fat. He stated that it would start happening elsewhere as well. LOL that's called "The California Effect"
It's something that happens over there and just sort of ripples out across the planet. Like the friggin hula hoop, roller disco and tofu burgers.
So when you're fumbling over the mouse pad to get at that last french fry
while filling up your iPod, Don't say you weren't warned
Speaking of Contemporary American trash... Y'all think that the next reality show of Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie will have them doing community service and staying in a halfway house?