I have searched for "damage" and "repair" and found nothing in this thread about that subject.
If a racer smashes his car, then a repairmode should start. If the car is heavily damaged, maby it would last a couple of hours to fix it
Then people had to take care in the turns, especially T1. Offcourse innocent drivers would get caught too, but the guy who did this, would be noticed.
Like the IRL races, it have to cost people, more than one race - But the feature should be flexible, so one could choose to use it, or not
I think it`s important, that it can "cost" you, if one is not careful in the turns.
If a racer smashes his car, then a repairmode should start. If the car is heavily damaged, maby it would last a couple of hours to fix it

Then people had to take care in the turns, especially T1. Offcourse innocent drivers would get caught too, but the guy who did this, would be noticed.
Like the IRL races, it have to cost people, more than one race - But the feature should be flexible, so one could choose to use it, or not

I think it`s important, that it can "cost" you, if one is not careful in the turns.