The online racing simulator
bad Language auto-kick
(49 posts, started )
Am really up for the language filter. Maybe having a warning first then kick after doing it again..
I (attempt to) use LFSLapper to autokick people for swearing, and set a welcome message warning people that swearing is not allowed and results in an auto-kick. The welcome message works, but my auto-kick doesn't. Is this the correct way to script the auto-kick function?:

AutoAction =
swearword1:swearword2:swearwordetc | /kick {Nickname}:/rcm {Nickname} was kicked for profanity!:/rcm_all

Also, will this pick up any message which has the words in, or only when the words are sent on their own?
All it would do is get people banned if they admit they come from Sc*nthorpe - which I don't.
#30 - Davo
Quote from Chris758 :I (attempt to) use LFSLapper to autokick people for swearing, and set a welcome message warning people that swearing is not allowed and results in an auto-kick. The welcome message works, but my auto-kick doesn't. Is this the correct way to script the auto-kick function?:

AutoAction =
swearword1:swearword2:swearwordetc | /kick {Nickname}:/rcm {Nickname} was kicked for profanity!:/rcm_all

Also, will this pick up any message which has the words in, or only when the words are sent on their own?

What you have is pretty much right, try changing the {Nickname} to {Username}

f**k:s**t|/kick {Username}:/rcm {Nickname} was kicked for profanity!:/rcm_all|

should also work.
Quote from Davo :What you have is pretty much right, try changing the {Nickname} to {Username}

f**k:s**t|/kick {Username}:/rcm {Nickname} was kicked for profanity!:/rcm_all|

should also work.

Cheers, would you still use 'Username' on a Demo server, since users on Demo servers are banned by IP address rather than 'Username'? I'll try it and see what happens.
#32 - Davo
I forgot the demo version only uses Nickname, so just use nickname instead of username.
Quote from Davo :I forgot the demo version only uses Nickname, so just use nickname instead of username.

OK, I'll change it back then. I've just realised I forgot to put "|" at the end of it all. Should this make a difference?

P.S. will it pick up where "****" is part of message (e.g. "**** you Bob") or only if "****" is on its own?
#34 - Davo
Dunno, try it out and see.
Profanity is a big problem all over the internet, in all online gaming or simming you'll get it, and it annoys me a lot.

Even in real life, I am sometimes amazed at how some of the the young people of today have turned into swearing little hooligans.

Whenever I walk down to the supermarket or whatever, I'd be passing some youngsters that like to hang out all over the place and park their scooters and bicycles so that they're sometimes blocking off the entire pavement. So when you ask them kindly to move over, you'd get the finger, and are told to go "beep" yourself. And not just to people my age, but to senior citizens aswell, just a total lack of respect.

Hello? these are 13 or 14 year olds, I am a 110 kilo, 29 year old bloke with the ability to snap their necks without breaking into a sweat...

I blame the internet/gaming/television for this, in my time we just did not act this way. (of course the parents play a very large role here too)

So yeah, profanity filters, auto kicking, all for it
Those little hooligans won't be better for it, but it will keep others from being "poisoned" (further)

No warnings, other then in the welcome message, and mandatory for the whole community and ALL servers! ,You swear a lot? tough luck! that has no place on public servers and as said before the kids that hang around our pc's checking out our racing, or racing themselves, don't need that stuff!

If you cannot understand this, then sorry to say this, but you're not very intelligent IMHO.

I don't need some idiot keybinding messages full of profanity to throw at me after I make an honest mistake on the track even before I can reach for the keyboard and apologise, there's much more to being a "gentleman racer" than racing alone!

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying it's the young people that do this most, but when I look at some peoples birth dates and compare that to language, well.. I just come to some conclusions, though there's enough old bumwinds out there too that swear like a flipping docker..
(i'm not just talking about the LFS community btw, I am part of a bunch of gaming/simming communities and overall it's not all that bad over here)

Well that's my 2 cents anyway
I think there should be a warning the first time then kick the second, as I've said "****! I spun, sorry for hitting you" as an expression of shock before and been instantly kicked. If I was warned that swearing was not tolerated on the server, I would have quite happily toned down my language as I don't swear profusely or at other players.
If you think that i'm bad on LFS itself, you should hear me on TeamSpeak. :ashamed:

E: Or even worse, swearing at the AI in GTR2. I used the c-word 8 times in one formation lap (quietly though).

I'm against it. Everybody should be able to explain himself how he wants to. If that swearing is combined with rough behaviour, you can still kick him manually. Or did any of you see a racedriver getting a penalty because of swearing on the pit radio?
did you ever see 5 year olds listening in on the pitradio?

Real life racing is done by adults, amongst other adults

The guys on the pit radio know each other, and if something goes wrong and the driver swears on the radio they all know it's nothing personal in the end (mostly) and the other drivers and their children don't hear it.

It's not the same as randomly calling people offending names online just because you think you have the right to say what you want to who ever you want, your analogy is dead wrong.

Sure, I curse when I get wrecked, but only if I am alone in the room, and not using chat, just out loud to myself.. by the time I grab my keyboard I'll be done cursing

Of course I would still tell someone what I want to say, but you can be very strong in your opinion and get across that you are really unhappy with someones behaviour without cursing and swearing too, there's more then enough options to get your point across in a polite way.
Quote from DFS_MadFred :did you ever see 5 year olds listening in on the pitradio?

Real life racing is done by adults, amongst other adults

The guys on the pit radio know each other, and if something goes wrong and the driver swears on the radio they all know it's nothing personal in the end (mostly) and the other drivers and their children don't hear it.

It's not the same as randomly calling people offending names online just because you think you have the right to say what you want to who ever you want, your analogy is dead wrong.

Sure, I curse when I get wrecked, but only if I am alone in the room, and not using chat, just out loud to myself.. by the time I grab my keyboard I'll be done cursing

Of course I would still tell someone what I want to say, but you can be very strong in your opinion and get across that you are really unhappy with someones behaviour without cursing and swearing too, there's more then enough options to get your point across in a polite way.

Pitradios available to the public (ie, used for TV coverage) are screened and beeped for cussing. You'll never hear Tony Stewart cuss on the radio, but you will hear him say "Get that mo*BEEP*er out of my way, or I'll punt his sorry f*beeep*ng ass into the wall!"... At which point his crew will reply "yer on the air, but ok"
Kds are are usually the ones that swear all the time, on servers......they will just swear in l337, like "Scr3w y0u (ock f@ce!"

It's a BIG difference between playing a game (yes, it is a sim, but we are still "playing" a game) and real life racing which is a business and a job for them. It is also a big difference in swearing when you talk and feeling you need to swear when you type. Talk just comes out. Typing takes just a bit of thinking involved to put it down on the keyboard.

The servers are owned by individuals and if it is the individual's opinion that he doesn't want to hear (see) swearing in the chat, then that is his business. If you can't type without swearing, then you are a very small individual.

In verbal communication, say at work, sure I swear and curse quite frequently. I am amongst friends and they also swear and curse. I don't swear at them, but it is a part of our "language". We have one older lady amongst the 9 of us in this particular department at work. Guess what? Not one single one of them so much as say s**t when she is around. Why? Because she doesn't want to hear it and we respect that. Yea, occasionally someone slips, which at that point, everyone stops and looks at her to see if she heard (quite funny). Of course, she always hears and gives a glare, though in good humor. She understands it is the way they all talk when she is not around and she also respects the fact that everyone watches what they say when around her.

If the server owner says he doesn't want swearing, then he is the one that pays for it and can state that. If he doesn't want you picking your nose while racing, then he has every right to kick/ban you for picking your nose if he can see that you are doing that.
#43 - bort
nothing wrong with swearing to a point, if you can't handle it then really you should be blindfolding yourself before logging on to the internet. It's not up to the whole to silence itself to save offense from a few sensitive eyes. sure it's annoying when not used responsibly, but so is yelling, so are chachis that drive around listening to mental barf like 50 cent in their cars at 150db with the windows down. Some people have common sense/taste most do not, makes you wonder why it's called "common". I was in a server today, got blue flagged, moved over on the strait on blackwood gp, plenty of room for him, but he proceeded to bump me into the grass while passing. called me an a$$hole when i spun out and hit him in the process. i got livid explained to him in detail his erroneous statement and dropped the F bomb in the process. I got no warning for profanity, or cursing, just a 24h ban from said server, said douchebag kept on racing and probably taking out his adolescent aggression in other inappropriate ways. it really didn't solve a thing, he probably caused a few more pileups throughout the day. if ppl are swearing to the point of being rediculous then usually they get banned. If there is a filter maybe on the largest servers then at least a 3 strike system, or some sort of warning has to be in place. as well as an auto ban w/warning for making too much car to car contact would be nice. would eliminate most of the reasons swearing takes place.
Quote from GP4Flo :-1

I'm against it. Everybody should be able to explain himself how he wants to. If that swearing is combined with rough behaviour, you can still kick him manually. Or did any of you see a racedriver getting a penalty because of swearing on the pit radio?

On race drivers getting penalties for swearing on radios, I heard of NASCAR fining drivers for swearing in interviews.
Quote from duke_toaster :

On race drivers getting penalties for swearing on radios, I heard of NASCAR fining drivers for swearing in interviews.

Swearing on their personal pit radios during the race, which is their business and their job, is quite a bit different than swearing during an interview with a public national network television viewed by millions of the public and controlled by the FCC.

Again people, the LFS servers are NOT owned by LFS. They are owned by individuals and if those owners don't want swearing in their servers, it is their right as the owner of the server to not allow it. If you don't like swear filters/autokicks, buy your own server!

The government can't tell you that you can't smoke in MY house, but I sure can as the owner of that house. If I tell you, you can't smoke in my house and you light up a cigarette, you would get your arse kicked right out.
Quote from mrodgers :Swearing on their personal pit radios during the race, which is their business and their job, is quite a bit different than swearing during an interview with a public national network television viewed by millions of the public and controlled by the FCC.

Fortunatly we don't have the FCC who fined a broadcaster for showing something beyond their control. However, we have OFCOM, who fined Channel 4 for several persons (one of which included Jonny Herbert) saying that they drank Red Bull.

Really f*cking silly. Maybe if both of them only were responsible for frequencies and the protected list things would be remotely sensible.
i am on the fence with this one. sure it is not nice to have kids read things like that, but i have always said, if you don't like what is being typed then block messeges (-). as part of a team we have and use teamspeak (alot) and most of our cursing happens there. so the messeges we send out in lfs aren't usually clattered with effing and blinding. but i have noticed that alot of the time, it is the kids that are doing most of the swearing.
but to have a perental filter option in lfs can do more good than bad imo
I would not have an objection to a client side OPTIONAL filter. But any server side autokicking system is loony.
Agree with autokicking, but I think wordfilter will better be an option.

bad Language auto-kick
(49 posts, started )