DrDNA, there really isn't much they can do because of the "pit while in garage/don't hit marshal" part. It's just fact that if you disconnect, you will loose 50% of the car's value.
Franky, I was on pretty much all day, off and on. You probably already know this, but I'm on dialup, VERY solid dialup. The server was pretty much full all day, and of course I disconnected quite a bit. Lost many many cars. But the fact that I was able to connect and run for a lap or so says that it is a pretty stable server. Normally, with a full 23 connection server, I would lag out immediately upon entering. My max connection is around 18 people or less. So, I'd say it is nice and stable since I didn't lag out immediately. Later this evening (US), I had no problems myself with probably 15 others present. People complain about disconnects here and on other servers and blame the servers. Well, they need to look at their own connection if I am having no problems on 56k and they have problems on 2mb lines.
Now all we need is the lottery back to only allowing 1 per 24 with the insim, because the multiple lotteries were really getting out of hand. I could have choosen to do that and get my 6 or 7 cars back from my disconnects, but why cheat in a "fun" game that means nothing. I just don't understand it. One guy was pulled over by police and fined. He couldn't pay because he had no money. I watched him pull about 20 lotteries, even after multiple times being told, and sending all his money to his buddy. Then complained because he couldn't pay his fine. All the while, I lost 6 or 7 cars and was stuck in a UF1 all day because I don't cheat and go and get a second or more lottery ticket.