The online racing simulator
Sound Crash , All sound (since U32) Now V (Not Solved)
Im Running Fully Patched XP Proffesional
Sound Card is Audigy 2 ZS (latest drivers from autoupdate

Since U32 ive had a problem with the sound stopping/crashing. Its totally random. Cant see anything that is triggering this. All sound stops after the crash, its distinctive , sounds like all the sound goes in to short michrophone feedback.It has only happened in Online games.

Basically once it happens only way to get ANY sound is to exit to the main menu. then Menu sounds are audible. I usually restart LFS after this, at first i thought was prehaps a bug with U32 , but it happened with 35 & 36 and now Version V.

replay from last time it happened. ... /stuff/LFS/soundcrash.mpr
thats pretty strange, i dunno but could it have to do with the soundlag option??
just an idea.. i don't want this to be a useless post.
and it happens with every car?
i can't listen to the sound cuz i'm not on a pc with lfs on it...
Ok it happened again , this time instead of exiting i left it , tried the usual Shift W / shift N , nothing , then race restarted and sound was re-initialised, was working fine again :s

any ideas ?
shift+w = reintialise sound...
maybe that will help
EDIT: just saw that u tried that allreade
and if u use a clean install... don't unlock, does ir happen then?
#5 - VoiD
Trying a New Clean Install , so far so good. Old Folder was from Original Alpha and just about every patch since.
Not had another error since re-installing , seems old folder must of become a mess with all the test patching as it still does it on that install.

If it does occur again ill try and gather more info.
I got similar problem previously before patch V - but it was only the car's sound (engine, tires etc. with music on) that were gone, I didnt reinitilize the sound, just restarted LFS to get rid of.

Never happened with new patch thou, now I got rattling sound corrupting music - anyone familiar?
Happened again , 3 times in a row , 3rd time PC hard reset.
only happnes in Multiplayer this is with fresh install of LFS Version 0.5V on a different hard drive.
Previous to this seris of errors, i had LFS running for 12 hours SP mode and was hotlapping on off during this time , and not one single problem , sometimes with replayloooping for long periods.

So its MP , doesnt seem to make a difference what car or track is used , if race restarts by vote sounds is all restored , if i exit to main screen , all sound is restored.

Ive run memtest and PC is prime95 stable for aslong as i can be bothered to run.

Im begining to think its the change to sound system and the Audigy2 ZS the latter being main suspect now.

i have the replays of the crashes/errors if needed.

PC is AMD Opteron 146
Nvidia Nforce4 Ultra - Drivers 6.86
2x Cosair XMS Pro 512CMX3200
Nvidia 7800GTX - Drivers 93.81
Creative Audigy 2 ZS - Drivers

anyone else with Patch U32-V and also owning Audigy2 ZS having same issues ?


Re- installed majority of drivers , motherboard VGA and sound & network
Just to make 100% sure.